em4em: Empowerment for Employment (contact making event) – Poland


Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: Contact Making Event (CME)

Venue: Wisla, Poland

Dates: 14-21 November 2016

Participants: Michaela Šedová, Lukáš Mrklaš

Please read the info-pack a daily programme.

Participating countries: Poland, Romania, Great Britain, Slovakia, Turkey, Italy, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Macedonia (FYROM), Lithuania, Greece, Netherlands

Hosting organisation: Chrzescijanska Sluzba Charytatywna Oddzial Podlaski

Project report:

From the 14th till 21th of October beautiful people (as our trainer called us) met in Wisla, Poland. On the contact making event named em4em: empowerment for employment. And what was the project about? Contacts! As the name is saying. The main purpose of this project was to create contacts, get to know each other – individuals and organizations.

On this amazing project, we learn new informations about Erasmus + opportunities, yes – even I was surprised that I still can get to know some new informations when Erasmus + is discussed on every project.

The most important and interesting part of the project was that we learned how to write a project. Our task was to think about the important aspects and try to invent project with which we could try to apply in the reality. Our trainer was very helpful – his method – firts let the particapants to create mess and let them try to do everything alone and later explain or organize this mees into meanigfull boxes, made perfect sence. We remembered because of that everything even better.

As already the name of the project indicates, we also talked about empoyment and employability in Europe with the focus on the participant countries. We learned some facts and then discussed about oportunities for young people.

There was also one trip to Ustron. And as a proper teambuilding activity also out of the training room, we climed a montain together. Together, despite of mud and cold wind, we did it. And it was amazing. The view on the Silesian Beskids was definitely worth it.

The project was great, despite of the place of the event which was small town in the middle of nowhere. We spent 8 beautiful days in the hotel which we had just for ourselves, with proper equiptment for nice evenings as football table or pingpong and great food (even Italiens said pasta was delicious – and it is a mark of quality!), with a great trainer who didn´t force us to do boring activities but motivated us to work and create great job as a team. And we created an amazing team together.

The project brought a lot of new things to everybody of us – new knowledge and friendhips. I would like to thank EYCB for the opportunity to be a part of this amazing project!

Michaela Šedová

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