Build the Worlds Future — Montenegro


Date: 15-24 February 2013

Venue: Bar, Montenegro

Pax: Markéta Musilová, Veronika Vanišová

Program & action: Youth in Action programme, action 3.1. training course

Project report:

The training Build The World´s Future was organized in the town Bar which is located in nice are of Montenegro´s seaside and 26 people, mostly from Balcan, spent there 10 days together  by learning how to become Global Educator.

The first days were  more theoretical  and in second half of the training the participants could try the role of Global Educator in real. The training was based on methods of non-formal education so the participants could learn more about this methods  as well as get all the benefits which non-formal education brings to the participants.

Every day was divided into four blocks when every block lasted one and houlf hour. The lessons started with „energizers“ so it brought the enrgy again into the participant also later in the afternoon. The introduction of the topics was followed by different methods of non-formal edcuation such as discussions, playing roles, work in smaller groups, recording short movies, simulations and lot of others.

Global education includes many topics so we could not go deeper to all of them, nevertheless we touched lot of them such as sustainable development, social justice, developing countries, environemntal probles, human rights, responsibility of individuals etc.

 Trainers also prepared for us trip to the  old Bar and of course the intercultural evening could not miss.

In the end we were supposed to work in four groups and  prepare program for 45 minutes for other participant so we had opportunity to use everything what we learnt in these days.

The seminar Build The World´s Future was  mostly focused on interaction and activity of the participants. Besides lot of skills and knowledges about global issues and non-formal edcuation which the participants acquired, the non-formal encountering of participants, exchanging of experiences and bulding new partnerships was important as well.

 Markéta Musilová

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