Participation for Inclusion – Armenia


 Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: Training Course

Venue: Aghveran, Armenia

Dates:  8 – 16 July 2016

Participants: Aneta Marková, Marie Kolářová

Please read the info-pack & daily activities schedule. Or refer to the TC’s SALTO page.

Participating countries: Armenia, Belarus, Czech Republic, Georgia, Germany, Moldova, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Ukraine

Hosting organisation: International Center for Intercultural Research, Learning and Dialogue

Project report:

The project „Participation for inclusion“ was very inspiring even if I had different expectation at the beginning. At the beginning, I thought that the project will be focus on inclusion (how to involve people with disabilities into activities) but during the training I realized that this training course has different aim. The training course was focus in activities for group of youngsters and way how we can include all youngsters into a group. That is why it was understandable that the project was aimed in particular methods of non-formal education. During the training course we had an opportunity to get practical experience of cooperative methods for youngsters, understand the differences between each method and be able to decide when the method can be use. Also, we had an opportunity to explore beauty of Yerevan and made cooperation between participants. Because of this project and possibility to build cooperation between participants, I started cooperation with Portugal professionals in non-formal education. The cooperation will be in first stage to prepare training course for future teachers in formal education to understand the principles and methods of non-formal education.

The organization of this project was very good but it was a bit difficult for people without experience to really understand what´s going on. Because of it, participants without experience did not follow the instructions which brought strange atmosphere into the group. Also, organizers weren´t prepare for it and started to modify the program during training course. At the end, the aims of the training course a bit disappear. Anyway, I would like to say that the project was interesting experience. It was my first experience with Youth programmes in Erasmus + and I believe that not the last.

Aneta Marková

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