Start your Business and Develop Your Skills — Hungary


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: training course

Venue: Balatonszárszó, Hungary

Dates: 14—23 November 2023

Czech team: 5 participants

Please read the info-pack.

Hosting organisation: MeOut Group

Project report:

In the period from 14 to 23 November I took part in a training course called Start your Business and Develop Your Skills. I signed up for this course in order to gain new experience and knowledge about starting my own business. I also took it as a great opportunity to meet people who are dealing with the same issues as I am right now. And I think the course really met my expectations.

During the course, we were working in teams on topics related to entrepreneurship – motivation, time management, stress, self-assesment and others. We made a vision board with plans we want to achieve in our future and we discussed how to make them happen. At the end of the course we presented our own business ideas and other participants of the course gave us a feedback what we should improve or what they really liked about our projects. It was really benefitial to work in English for the whole week. At first we were kind of shy, but at the end we were all speaking without any problems! We had also chance to get to know many different cultures and discuss their differencies.

To sum it up, the whole course was really amazing. I met lot of people with similar visions about their future. I gained motivation to not be afraid and really start working on my business. We shared tips and tricks as far as entrepreneurship is concerned. And we had a lot of fun too, of course!


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