Business Makers — Romania


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Dates: 12—23 September 2022

Venue: Vatra Dornei, Romania

Czech team: Lukáš Kapinus (GL), Jan Ošťádal, Nina Kateřina Ratajská, Adéla Pecinová, Karolína Luscoňová, Laura Balogová, Michaela Parkosová, Adam Janeček, Anežka Jizbová

Please read the info-pack. 

Hosting organisation: Pro Civis Dorna NGO

Project report:

Business makers, that was the name of the project I took part together with 8 other participants from the Czech Republic. Our paths brought us to the beautiful mountain town of Vatra Dornei, located in the north of Romania in the Carpathian Mountains.
During these amazing 10 days we had the opportunity to meet participants from Poland, Latvia, Bulgaria, Spain and of course Romania, with whom we made amazing friendships that have lasted even though we are all back home.
As well as exploring foreign cultures, we immersed ourselves in the world of business, tried our hand at presenting our own ideas, visited local entrepreneurs and experienced running a fun class at a local high school.
In our free time, we visited the city, the Romanian mountains where we enjoyed some snow fun at the end of September, or organised a spa evening with a pool and sauna.
This project has left us all with strong emotions, it has brought us a great deal of experience, but only because we could experience it all together as a team of enthusiastic young people from different parts of Europe, who before were mere strangers who met at the airport, but for the duration of the project, working together on tasks, spending our free time together, learning from each other and supporting each other even in the worst of the cold from the high mountain weather, where temperatures went into the negative numbers, we built an amazing community that felt more like a family.Goodbye my beloved Romania, you will always be in my memories.
Lukáš Kapinus

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