Climate Change? NO! Change Yourself!!! — Portugal


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Arrouquelas, Rio Maior, Portugal

Dates: 4—12 September 2022

For more information please read the info-pack. Please also visit the hosting organisation’s Fb page.

Hosting organisation: H2O

Czech team: Filipp Lomakin (GL), Martin Janoušek, Hynek Draslar, Jana Maršálková, Ivana Krmíčková, Tereza Jánošíková

Project report:

Olá, olá from sunny Portugal. In the last nine days, I have spent with 60 young people from 10 different countries. The main aim of this youth exchange was to raise awareness about the hot topic of climate change.

On the first day, we started with name remembering games and ice breakers. After we got to know each other we worked in smaller groups and prepared a poster about the topic issue, how we see this problem, and ways to solve it.

On upcoming days representatives from two organizations, Zero and Oikos gave us lectures. In Oikos, we had to make a replica of our world by using us as a population, chairs as money, and stones as CO2 emissions.

Each evening we were training for a flashmob for a final performance at the beach last day, which turned out to be great.

The intercultural nights were divided into five parts. Each day two countries represented their culture, habits, and cuisine.

The part that I cannot forget to tell you was canoeing and winery with afterward degustation. Absolutely stunning experience.

To sum up this report. Amazingly spent nine days obtaining lots of new knowledge, great people, and stunning weather.

In addition, I would love to thank the hosting organization and specifically the whole H2O team for providing most of the activities.

Filipp Lomakin

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