Creative Crossroads — Netherlands


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Ommen, Netherlands

Časový rozvrh této výměny mládeže: 

  1. Advance Planning Visit = APV: 22—25 March 2024. 
  2. Online assignments
  3. Youth exchange: 22 April—3 May 2024, Ommen, Netherlands
  4. Zorganizování místních aktivit (v ČR):  v termínu od května do 15. července. 

Czech team: 4 participants + 1 group leader 

Please read the info-pack.

Hosting organisation: Synchro Foundation

Project report:

The youth exchange Creative Crossroads took place in the small town of Ommen, near the city of Zwolle. We stayed at “Olde Vechte,” an old, beautiful building surrounded by a small river and a mysterious forest with majestic beech trees. There were quite a few of us on the project. More than fifty interesting and inspiring people came together—5 participants from each country (The Netherlands, Poland, Italy, the Czech Republic, Greece, North Macedonia, Estonia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Slovakia) and our coordinators — Antonio, Cristina and Alina, who guided us throughout the exchange.

As the name suggests, the whole project revolved around the theme of crossroads. Our task was to discover and express life crossroads, complex life situations, or problems through creative methods and various forms of art. The entire programme was based on the principle of learning by doing so  we could participate in it. In the first part of the project, each country prepared a workshop for the participants. We  tried various forms of art and their combinations, from dance or movements, painting, drawing, music to taking photos. At the beginning of each workshop, we always had time to play short energizers to wake up and gain energy. The workshops were beneficial for us not only in terms of the programme itself  but also as a space to invent, organize, and lead a programme for a large group of people.

Getting to know new people is also key in a youth exchange — learning about new cultures, life stories and approaches. During the programmes we often had the opportunity to work in diverse groups and  meet as many people as possible. Every day we also had so-called “reflection hubs” —  there was space to share experiences gained during the programme, problems, joys, and thoughts, and to get to know people in the group more deeply. In the evenings, intercultural nights were often organized. It was a great way to introduce your country to others and enjoy an evening together with lots of food, dance, quizzes, music, and plenty of fun.

During our exchange we also spent some time exploring the surroundings of Ommen and Zwolle and getting to know the locals. We were lucky to experience King’s Day in the Netherlands — a big party in the city  with lots of people dressed in orange, lots of music, food, and drink, and the tradition of jumping into the river on a bike.

At the end of our stay we did a “flash mob” in the streets of Zwolle. We spent one morning in the streets doing art with people. Each group approached the flash mob in a different way. Some worked with the body and movements, others with painting, but I think all of them were very original and nicely concluded our days spent together.

Doubravka Ch.

Reports from the Czech team’s local activities:

  1. PART

I presented my presentation in my English class at school. I had prepared a presentation with key points, but I mostly spoke. First, I introduce Erasmus + project opportunities I talked about general and practical information. Then I explained EYCB what it is, where to find it and the requirements to participate. I demonstrated where to apply and what do you have to accomplish to get to the project. I also detailed aspects of the project itself, including travel reimbursement, budget options for green travel, and more. Next, I discussed the concept of crossroads and its meaning, along with the artistic methods we used.

 I continued by explaining Olde Vechte accommodation, common rules and how the system works, also our chores we had to do, and how much fan it was doing it with your reflection hub. Then I focused more on the activities. Explaining  energizers we did and  the artistic workshops we participated in.

I shared my funny stories about King’s day and our interactions with locals. But mostly how much fun we had together and how we bond on a certain level with everyone. I also talked about cultural nights. What we prepared for ours and Slovak night. I showed them videos of dance we did and how much excitement we had during these cultural nights

I presented our workshop in public and discussed our group’s involvement. At the end of my presentation I talked about Youth pass, it’s qualities and other relevant details.

The presentation went well and I received positive feedback. My classmates were curious and engage. I wasn’t nervous at all and I truly enjoyed it. J All the links to Synchro’s website and social media I shared to our team on Teams.

2. Part

My workshop was more focused on the mindfulness and self-awareness . I put some relaxing music while explaining the activity. Firstly, I divided my classmates into a random pairs. I invited them to say to the other person one thing them like about them and one thing they don’t like about them and why. Expressing these positive and also negative opinions were crossroads to mostly everyone.

Next  I gave each person one string, two sheets of papers and an envelope. The string symbolised their safe space, which they arranged around themselves as they preferred. On the first sheet of paper I asked them to draw their,, lifetime river”. Reflecting on their life’s journey, including their ups and downs and expressing these experiences on paper.

Some of them expressed it with more passion. Some on them were really emotional about it.

On the second sheet of paper I invited them to write a letter to their future self.  Ask their future self questions that are really curious about. Also describing their current life situation. After completing the letter, they exchanged it with their partner and decided when they would like to receive this letter back in the future.


I asked my classmates to give me a feedback.  What they liked about my workshop and what they didn’t like. My friend Linda wrote me a message quote : ,, The first part was really great. At the beginning we were shy and didn’t want to talk to the other pair. But after we cross the crossroad we found a good connection between us and talked pretty much about everything we like about them and what we don’t. I had a good time with Pája (my other classmate). The second part was quite emotional for me personally, because I went through a really bad things when I was a child. But when I express it, it helped me to understand what I have right now and that I can be very proud of myself. I really enjoyed it. Iam looking forward to go to Erasmus + and it  inspired me a lot. Thank you.”


Aneta, Doubravka, Lucie  & Nela local activity report:

As part of Erasmus+, we organised a programme for a scout meeting with our team (Aneta, Doubravka, Lucie and Nela), based on our experience from the youth exchange “Creative crossroads”. The programme took place in the scout group in Řevnice in a group of about 10 scouts aged 12-15. The whole event took place outdoors in the garden of the scout clubhouse and lasted two hours. 

The goal of the meeting was mainly to spend a relaxing afternoon together, to escape from stressful lives and to focus on our own emotions and experiences through various forms of art. Right at the beginning there was a short introduction to each other and some information about Erasmus+ projects. After a short energiser, the first activity took place – blindfolded dancing to music and guidance by others, followed by a meditation focusing on experiencing in different parts of the body. Scouts then recorded their experiences from the program on a large paper with an outline of their body. This gave them the opportunity to put all the emotions and feelings in their body on paper. The Scouts were very creative, using a variety of techniques (painting, collage, nature, drawing, poems) and enjoyed the whole process in a relaxed atmosphere. At the end there was a short reflection also in the form of drawing, feedback and farewell. 

We rate the program as a success, the scouts were actively involved, completed the tasks and we enjoyed the program together.

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