Crossroads – Croatia, Veliki Grđevac


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Croatia, Veliki Grđevac

Dates: 24th July — 1st August 2023

National team: : 5 participants (18-25 year) + 1 group leader

Please read the info-pack. 

Hosting organisation: Koning Kevin

Project report:

Crossroads was an international youth exchange, where youngsters born around the dawn of the millennium met and exchanged their opinions about and their experience with mental health. In total, there were 36 participants from the following countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Lithuania, and Serbia.

The calmness and remoteness of the venue was a good precursor for the activities and debates about mental health. Most of the activities were – unlike on other projects – partly in the hands of the participants. Each country had to create 2 two-hour long activities about mental health and then be in charge of those activities.

The activities were very varied. From games about best coping strategies, walks in the forest and mediation to very deep personal talks about the obstacles in life. (Ondřej Holán)

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