D.E.A.L.: Develop, Empower, Achieve, Learn — Italy


Erasmus+, Key Action 1: training course

Dates: 18—24 October 2022

Venue: Pragelato, Turin, Italy

Czech team: Terezie Doležalová, Tereza Pustová

Please read the info-pack.

Hosting organisation: Madiba Società Cooperativa Sociale

Project report:

It was my pleasure to be a part of the Czech group that traveled to Turin, Italy to take part in the D.E.A.L. (Develop, Empower, Achieve, Learn) training course along with other participants from 10 different countries including Italy, Greece, Poland, Romania, Latvia, Spain, Malta, Cyprus, Serbia, Hungary, and Portugal. The training course took place from the 18th – 24th of October in a beautiful village in the Pragelato mountains. Thanks to the location we had a chance to eat traditional Italian food for a whole week and I can’t stress enough how delicious it was!

The content of the course was composed of individual work as well as a lot of team-oriented activities. The topics we discussed were related to youth workers and empowering them to engage with other young people, partially the ones who are unemployed or have some disadvantages. During the course, we practiced and learned various development tools and also got a chance to share our practices and experience.

Thanks to the organizers, Olga and Davide, everything went smoothly, and we could enjoy an amazing weekend full of experiencing and learning. I must say that I was surprised by how many wonderful people I’ve met during this course and how sad I was when it all came to an end. Until next time!

Tereza Pustová

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