Don’t look up – Poland


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: Youth exchange 

Venue: Koninki, Poland

Dates: 17 June —24 June 2023

Czech team: 6 participants 

Please read the info-pack.

Hosting organisation: Stowarzyszenie Wielu Mozliwosci

Project report:

Don´t Look Up is not just a successful Netflix film, which warns us of selfish behavior. It was also the name of our youth exchange in Poland. As the name says, the main topic of this Erasmus+ program was to learn about environment and how to act to protect it.

The exchange took place in a small mountain village Koninki in southern Poland. This place was by bus one and a half hour far from Cracow and the landscape there was totally different than in most parts of Poland. No extensive lowlands, just beautiful hills and valleys. The hotel in which we stayed looked also very good, it had 4 floors, a football pitch and a ping pong table too. I cannot also forget about the fire ring, where we once had a barbeque. ¨

Regarding the program, we did lots of different activities. For example, we visited one day a local school, where we drew together with the children some green minded posters. Or we collected trash from the streets. We also made presentations about environmental issues in our countries. But my most favorite activates were making films about recycling and going hiking to a national park nearby. Full name of the park was Gorchánski park narodowy and it was just 2 kilometers far from the hotel. The nature there was so gorgeous. For example, we met there three times a protected salamander, which was really exiting. The beast part of this trip to the national park was when we visited an astronomical observatory and got to know, how stuff work there.

My very favorite part of the day was evening, because we had cultural nights in this time. Every country had to present its own land, traditions, food or even dances. It was very funny especially at the end, when we always had a quiz.

Taking part on this youth exchange was a great opportunity for me to meet new people, explore nature, get to know different nations and earn new knowledge, therefor it was hard at the end to say goodbye to our new friends and leave Koninki.

Tomáš Karásek

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