BEE Active: Go Further — Portugal


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Saguedo, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal

Youth exchange dates: 22—28 May 2023

Czech team: Ondřej Stuchlík, Vojtěch Pražák, Jan Pilka, Leona Lepková, Denisa Veselá, Daniela Rodryčová

APV (Advance Planning Visit): Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, 8—11 May 2023

Please read the info-pack. 

Hosting organisation:  Red Cross Portugal – CRUZ VERMELHA – DELEGAÇÃO DE SANGUEDO

Project report:

Hi, I am Andrew, and I will be your guide for our project in Portugal. We started on the 22nd of May and we were a huge group of over 40 people. To be honest, it was one of the biggest projects I’ve ever been on. Maybe that was the reason, why the organization was really difficult for the organizers.
However, let’s talk about the goals of the project. The first of them was learning in a natural environment and I can agree with that. We visited so many different places that sometimes it was even exhausting to travel from one point to another. We also spent half a day collecting rubbish from nature. It was a nice experience because we could see the results immediately and we felt like we were helping nature. And that’s how we reached the second goal, which is to raise awareness of the adoption of environmentally friendly behaviors.
All of us were also able to observe a little bit of the work of a beekeeper and even tried the suits. So we also saw a little bit of the world of bees.
In the end, I have to say that we all met there as people from different countries and cultures, so we could observe the world’s diversity and get to know different cultures. This will never be less important to me and it is the reason why I like the world of ERASMUS.
Ondřej Stuchlík

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