Build Your Strength — Italy


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: training course

Venue: Reggio Calabria, Italy

Dates: 20—28 June 2023

Team size: 2 youth workers

Trainers: Silvia Crocitta and Bartek Gradecki

Facilitators: Davide Trono and Martin Makoni

Participating countries: Cyprus, Czechia, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Slovakia

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: EuroDemos NGO

Project report:

HELLO! Welcome to Reggio Calabria, southern Italy. Place where gathered amazing people to work on their self-development, to get to know something new about issues with which vast majority of people contend. If they are related to bad habits, motivation, positive thinking… But generally, this was a place where people got together to build their strength,(that means to embrace new habits which enhance their quality of life), to meet new friends, perhaps to improve the main language, which was English and above all to enjoy that!



Thank Silvia Crocitta for great leading with cooperation with Bartek Gradecki and also thank our facilitators Martin and Davide for addition of activities which brought us joy, calming down and better connection among us, participants.

I would like to express gratitude for such kind, inspiring and beautiful group of people which gathered there. I had an opportunity to see many views, attitudes and opinions which mediated me by group discussions and I got some time only for myself as well by meditation and tasks focused on thinking about ourselves.

The main purpose of this project was body – mind and spirit connection which led us to be more balanced. What would I point out was applying attentiveness to our feelings. We led to live in presence.



What accomplished a big amount of acceptance were international Coffee breaks. In duration of this activity each country introduced her traditional food and moreover, her customs.

For instance, I have learnt a few steps of Cyprian national folk dance, or I got to know absorbing facts about Latvia´s customs during solstice.

But most importantly, if I pass over new curiosities, tastes…We had a lot of fun.

In all, the program was resourceful, however, what I really do appreciate a lot are extra activities made by certain participants beyond the outline. Regarding creative motor activity or labyrinth which led us to focus on our current feelings and to find what is concealed in our heart, the purpose of this labyrinth is to cope with anxiety.

To sum up

The course was a great demonstration for me how to improve quality of my life, I acquired more self-confidence, positive thinking, techniques that calm me down and lastly I met plenty of inspiring and beautiful people.

In conclusion,

Thank EYCB for organization of such great project.

                                                                                                  Štěpánka Jedruchová              

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