Go Locally – Lead Globally — Greece


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Katerini, Greece

Dates: 12—20 September 2023

Czech team: 5 participants + 1 group leader 

Please read the info-pack.

Participating countries: Greece, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Serbia, Turkey

Hosting organisation: EN.O GREECE

Project report:

What motivates young people to be active citizens? How can we help our society to become open and inclusive? What does we need to provide everyone equal opportunities? Those and many other questions were the reason why young people from Turkey, Serbia, Greece, Belgium and Czech Republic travelled to city of Katerini, Greece to participate in Erasmus+ project Go Locally – Lead Globally from 12th to 20th September 2023.

In the magnificent surroundings of mythical Mount Olympus with our always friendly facilitators Alex and Eleni, we were able to share our experiences through methods of non-formal learning, visit beautiful surroundings of Greek region of Macedonia, known for its importance in Greek mythology or participate in NGO festival in Thessaloniki (in Czech Republic known as Soluň). All the participants, including 6 always friendly and active members of the Czech team engaged in various diverse activities including group projects on given topics or creation of an online survey with hundreds of responses.

Even though the project was just a week long, we all have made a very special connections, memories and friendships, that will last for a long time. Every participant now understands, that if we want to influence the world around us, we need to go locally and change our own environment. There is no better example of this, than EYCB, I personally (and I think I speak for all the member of Czech team) am so grateful for the huge amount of work, they dedicate to make world around us a better place.


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