ERASMUS+, Klíčová akce 1: tréninkový kurz
Termín konání: 26. červen—3. červenec 2025
Místo konání: Issor, Francie
Český tým: 3 účastníci (ve věku 18+ let)
Před tím, než se přihlásíte na jakýkoliv náš projekt, důkladně si přečtěte všechny informace v sekci Chci vyjet na projekt a seznamte se s Pravidly účasti na zahr. projektech.
Pokud máte zájem se na tento projekt přihlásit, prosím důkladně si přečtete info-pack. Pokud máte zájem se na tento projekt přihlásit, prosím odešlete vyplněnou přihlášku co nejdříve, nejpozději do 24. března.
Pro to, abyste se na tento projekt přihlásili je nutné, abyste vlastnili nejen občanský průkaz (který musíte mít ze zákona), ale také platný cestovní pas (s platností min. ještě 150 dní od datumu začátku vámi vybraného projektu).
V rámci programu ERASMUS+ jsou následující finanční specifika: v rámci všech projektů je kompletně (ze 100%) zajištěno jídlo, ubytování, aktivity, a to vše je zcela pokryto z fondů EU programu ERASMUS+ a zařízeno organizátory. Účastníkům dále budou proplaceny cestovní náklady (reimbursement) do max. výše €275 (v případě tohoto projektu) z místa bydliště do místa konání projektu a zpět.
Hostitelská organizace: Association La Villa
Popis projektu:
This Erasmus+ mobility for youth workers focuses on using participatory theatre as a tool to promote mental health and social connection among young people. Through techniques such as Theatre of the Oppressed, headphone theatre, popular theatre, street theatre, and clowning, participants will explore creative methods to address social isolation, anxiety, and low self-esteem. The core idea of these theatre methods is to break the fourth wall and create direct interaction with the audience, transforming them from passive spectators into active participants.
The program offers practical workshops and peer exchanges to equip youth workers with skills to foster emotional expression, strengthen community bonds, and create safe spaces for dialogue and collective healing. Special attention will be given to supporting young people at risk of social exclusion or experiencing mental health challenges.
Together, we will explore how theatre can reconnect individuals, improve emotional well-being, and help reclaim public spaces as places for genuine human connection.
Jose Branco:
Informal since my teeth began to grow, I tried to divert my destiny, dedicating years of my life to Engineering that a handful of years later, I dropped like a soap bubble. Today an educator, actor and narrator, I walk my path through non-formal education, arm in arm with young people and adults, believing that the art of education and education through art are after all twin sisters.
Federico Espositi:
At the age of 15, he began his theatrical journey with the Non Scuola project of the Teatro delle Albe in Ravenna, continuing with multidisciplinary training in acting (Luciano Colavero, Giovanni Covini), directing (Riccardo Mallus, Giacomo Ferraù), and digital art at Politecnico di Milano, up to the present day. Theatre pedagogue and university teacher since 2018, he is currently training in participatory theatrical processes for social engagement, taking part in Erasmus+ European training projects.
Participants‘ profile
The training course will take place in Issor, France, from 26/06 to 03/07/2025 and it will bring together a group of 26 young people from 7 partner countries. The project is targeting youth workers, trainers, coordinators and facilitators from all fields of non-formal education who are motivated to learn new creative tools to support youngsters.
We are looking for youth workers/youth leaders who are over the age of 18 with a good level of English, who will be willing and committed to participate actively in ALL sessions (about 8 hours a day):
- The sending organization should take care for gender diversity.
- All participants should speak and understand English.
- Participants should already be involved in youth work or be motivated to get involved with it.
- Participants should be willing to share their knowledge with their colleagues and youngsters once they return home. Each participant will be requested to lead a workshop for their local community using the methods learned during our training course.
- Participants should be interested in making follow up international projects and promoting the Erasmus + program.
Thanks to the financial support of the Erasmus+ Program, we offer the following conditions:
- Food and accommodation during the training course will be provided.
- Travel costs will be reimbursed after the end of the training course, up to an agreed limit depending on the sending country: