Euroaccion — Španělsko


Program, akce: Evropský sbor solidarity (ESC) — dlouhodobé individuální dobrovolnictví (11 měsíců)

 Délka doborovolnictví:  6. září 2024 — 7. srpen 2025

Místo konání: Murcía, Španělsko

Deadline pro přihlašování: co nejdříve

Veškeré info o těchto ESC příležitostech najdete zde. Pokud máte zájem se přihlásit, prosím pošlete svůj životopis a motivační dopis (obojí v angličtině) na: [email protected]. V motivačním dopise prosím jasně uveďte název dobrovolnické pozice, o kterou máte zájem. Do předmětu emailu prosím dejte “Euroaccion ESC volunteering” a vaše jméno. Dále je také nutné odeslat vyplněnou přihlášku (dostupná na konci stránky každého dobrovolnického projektu).

Pro to, abyste na tento projekt mohli jet je nutné, abyste vlastnili nejen občanský průkaz (který musíte mít ze zákona), ale také platný cestovní pas (s platností min. ještě 150 dní od datumu začátku vámi vybraného projektu).

V rámci programu Evropský sbor solidarity jsou následující finanční specifika: v rámci všech projektů ESC je kompletně (ze 100 %) zajištěno jídlo, ubytování, aktivity, povinné doplňkové pojištění u pojišťovny Henner, jazykový kurz, místní doprava, a to vše je zcela pokryto z fondů EU programu Evropský sbor solidarity a zařízeno organizátory. Účastníkům dále budou proplaceny cestovní náklady (v případě tohoto projektu) ve výši max. €275 z místa bydliště do místa konání projektu a zpět.

Účastník musí:

  • Být ve věku 18-30 let;
  • Být zaregistrovaný na portálu ESC (v případě, že máte s registrací problém, řiďte se tímto návodem)
  • Mít zájem o dobrovolnictví a tento projekt;
  • Ovládat angličtinu alespoň na úrovni B1

Hostitelská organizace: Euroaccion Murcía

Popis ESC příležitostí:

Start: 06.09.2024, End: 07.08.2025

The schedule of volunteer activities will be between 25 and 38 hours per week distributed in the following hours:

  • 3 days a week in the morning: 9:00-13:00
  • Monday to Thursday afternoons: 16:00-20:00
  • Friday afternoons: 16:00-18:00

The volunteer will have the opportunity to learn about all the actions developed in Proyecto Abraham:

„METEORA“: This project is focused on the integral educational improvement, having as a basis tools, values and skills that allow a real social integration. Comprehensive educational improvement project aimed at adolescents and young people who are at risk of social exclusion and are highly motivated to succeed.

„VILLALBACTIVA“: Community Intervention Project in the Villalba neighborhood, which seeks to promote associations by creating common spaces and meeting places for neighbors. Together with the technical team, our volunteer will support the activities carried out in one of the green areas of Cartagena.

„CALCAS“: This community action project is carried out with the aim of improving the living conditions of families living in social housing in the Virgen de la Caridad neighborhood. The headquarters of Proyecto Abraham in Cartagena is located in this area. Here our volunteer will support the families living there to improve their lives through various actions in the areas of education, employment and community participation both in and outside the neighborhood.

Our volunteers will participate in the following activities:

  • Support in the process of personal and educational development of minors and teenagers at risk of social exclusion.
  • Design and creation of leisure activities for the enjoyment of children, teenagers and their families.
  • Support in the training and improvement of work skills of adults.
  • Support in workshops with families at risk of social exclusion.
  • Cultural mediation with minorities
  • To propose and participate in neighborhood beautification actions.
  • Mobilizing participation in collective improvement actions.

Please read the full description here:

Go to Proyecto Abraham´s website
Start: 6/09/2024, End: 07/08/2025

The schedule of volunteer activities will be between 25 and 35 hours per week.

The volunteer will have the opportunity to learn about all the actions developed in Proyecto Abraham. During the first phase of the volunteer period, he/she will observe how the association develops its activities, providing active support in their development. Afterwards, you will take part in the following important activities:

  • Support in the textile preparation team for later reuse.
  • Camina entre Telas Project. Supporting trainers to teach Spanish, new technologies, job search, etc.
  • Support for the Regional Clothes Closet project and the Food Bank in the donation of clothes and food.
  • Leisure and free time workshops related to textile recycling and circular economy.
  • Promotion of European and mobility projects and programs among young people in the Region of Murcia, as well as among users of our organization.
  • Participation in workshops and presentations of the European Solidarity Corps (CES) program in youth organizations, secondary schools in the city of Murcia and the University of Murcia.
  • Social and solidarity economy store. Support to store organization and various tasks.

Training: The Camina entre Telas project consists of occupational or Spanish language training for people who are in a situation of social exclusion. The volunteer accompanies the people in charge of the itinerant training courses in Spanish, new technologies or sewing. This activity is linked to the school calendar.

Atelier El Costurerico: this is an insertion project through sewing where the volunteer can do basic tasks of preparation for reuse or textile recycling. In addition, on occasions, the volunteer will accompany the person responsible for environmental awareness in environmental workshops in which sustainability and social equality are discussed and the volunteer will make crafts with the attendees, mostly minors, and sometimes can give talks about volunteering and the European Solidarity Corps.

Social and sustainable economy stores: The volunteer will go to the stores La Recuperadora, of social and solidarity economy to support in the organizational and informative work of the Association and the importance of responsible consumption

Please read the full description here:

Start: 06.09.2024, End: 07.08.2025

The schedule of volunteer activities will be between 30 and 35 hours per week.

The volunteer will support the work of the staff of the various services and programmes of the Youth Department with activities such as:

  • Providing support in the organization and development of the different programmes, workshops and leisure activities organized to benefit the young people of Cartagena (mainly, but not only, the linguistic exchange programme Bolsa de Idiomas and the Eurodesk Network local information point).
  • Creating content and helping boost the social networks of the Youth Department.
  • Erasmus Student Network
  • The promotion and dissemination of youth programmes in workshops and presentations in youth organisations and Secondary Schools of the city of Cartagena. The volunteer will contribute with their knowledge, culture, language, interests, concerns and motivations on topics related to European citizenship, cultural identity, etc.
  • Designing and implementing socio-cultural activities with children with special difficulties or at risk of social exclusion from the assotiation Botica del Libro, Also promoting and facilitating the knowledge and experience of different and complex realities.
  • The volunteer will have to develop a personal project that responds to their interests, feelings, identity and professional objective. The Youth Department will provide them with the necessary resources for the development of a personal proposal with added value.

Please read the full info on the project webpage:


Start: 06.09.2024, End: 07.08.2025

The schedule of volunteer activities will be between 25 and 35 hours per week. The timetable of volunteer activities will be between 25 and 30 hours per week. Normally, the schedule will be from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 14:00 in the center we have located in La Flota, Murcia. However, occasionally and depending on some activities that require it, it may be necessary to change this schedule to a specific afternoon or weekend activity.

FAMDIF / COCEMFE-MURCIA works at regional level with the aim of improving the living conditions of people with physical and organic disabilities. Its headquarter is located in the capital (Murcia), where almost half a million people live.

FAMDIF / COCEMFE-MURCIA develops the following programs and projects:

  • Comprehensive service for the recognition and defense of the rights of people with physical and organic disabilities.
  • Labor Integration Service / Self-employment Point Incorpora.
  • Technical advice and information service.
  • Educational attention to adults with special needs.
  • Awareness-raising for the removal of psychosocial barriers.
  • Awareness-raising campaigns in the educational field.
  • Technical Accessibility Office (OTAF).
  • Internal training program.
  • Vocational training programs.
  • Occupational training.
  • Social communication program.
  • Day center for dependent young people „Juan Cerezo“.
  • Leisure and free time activities.
Please read the full information available here:



Fundación Sierra Minera



Start: 06.09.2024, End: 07.08.2025

The schedule of volunteer activities will be between 30 and 35 hours per week.

The situation of the Sierra Minera de Cartagena – La Union is characterized by a serious deterioration resulting from the mining crisis and the deep socio-economic depression that had its peak in the early nineties. These circumstances have turned our territory into one of the areas of the Region of Murcia in which factors that push part of its population to social exclusion are concentrated: such as high unemployment or school failure and school dropout. Minors are the most vulnerable sector of the population and therefore we propose a socio-educational intervention so that, through group workshops, they can improve their social and academic skills, providing them with the basic skills necessary for their reincorporation into the educational-formative system. and also develop their social skills and learn to self-organize to participate in leisure activities, relating in a healthy and respectful way both with their peers and with the environment in which they live.

Among other activities, the following are foreseen:

  • Design of individualized itineraries
  • Workshops on linguistic competence
  • Compensation and educational reinforcement workshops
  • Workshops to improve socio-educational, social and personal skills.
  • Activation, leisure and social participation workshops.
  • Support for school visits to the „Huerto Pío“ Environmental Education Park.
  • Support in the organization of routes to learn about and raise awareness of the cultural and natural heritage of the area.
  • Environmental awareness workshops.
  • Support in visits to the facilities of the Interpretation Center „Mina Las Matildes“.

The target audience for these activities is mainly minors as well as young people at risk of exclusion and other needs.

Please read the full information here:

Go to Cucurumillo website
Start: 06.09.2024, End: 07.08.2025

The schedule of volunteer activities will be between 25 and 35 hours per week. Schedule: From 8:00 to 15:00.

The volunteer will carry out his/her activities in the local community which is mainly composed of the children, parents, staff and volunteers of CUCURUMILLO participating in this project. The project aims to develop knowledge and skills for all participants. To make professionals as well as parents aware of the need for educational reform in the educational and family system.

The activities that the volunteer will carry out are:

  • Support our work of accompaniment with the girls and boys of the space, through a respectful and attentive presence.
  • Help to cover the spaces of Cucurumillo with the adult presence in the interior and exterior rooms.
  • Collaborate in the development of workshops and activities that arise throughout the morning.
  • Possibility of developing a specific workshop or activity that adapts to the interests and developmental stages of the group of children. As well as the own elaboration of some material.
  • Helping to keep the space tidy and well cared for.
  • Support and participation in the creation of educational materials.
  • The volunteer will have a space to propose activities or ideas to implement in the educational project.

Please read the full description here:




Go to Traperos de Emaus website

Start: 06.09.2024, End: 07.08.2025

The schedule of volunteer activities will be between 25 and 35 hours per week. The timetable for volunteer activities will be a split schedule, depending on the tasks of that day or the activities to be carried out.

Volunteers will begin their activities in the circular bookstore, which will be their main work space, with the possibility of performing other tasks depending on the process and needs of the person, but the main area of their activities will be the circular bookstore.

1. Support tasks in the circular bookstore „Libros Traperos“:

  • Classification of donated material: selection, sorting, sorting, classification, care and recycling of books donated to the project.
  • Attention to the public and verbal communication of the trajectory and objectives of the NGO that hosts the project.
  • Basic commercial skills: cash handling and cash register, dataphone, simple documentation.
  • E-commerce: databases, remote customer service, payment control, packaging, shipping, product photography, web maintenance.
  • Online communication: social networks, basic photography and video, posting, communication with followers, basic graphic design (Canva).
  • Event management: communication, customer service, attendee service, signage, hospitality, space preparation.
  • Liaison with publishers and distributors: assistance with basic distribution tasks and editorial communication, correspondence with authors.

2. Communication and Awareness Area:

The volunteer may participate in the development of awareness activities, which may be: Support in guided tours of our facilities, attend fairs, stands (usually for a morning or a whole day selling and raising awareness), participation in talks and debates on the activity of Traperos de Emmaus and the social responsibility that as citizens we have in the fight against social exclusion.

3. There are other areas in which volunteers could also participate, but these will not be their main areas of work:

  • Tasks in Community: Support in the accompaniment performed by the technician, to the companions living in community, with the aim that these (the companions) acquire sufficient skills for their full autonomy, these support tasks will be among others: training in reading and writing, cleaning, cooking, maintenance of orchards, gardens, leisure activities,…
  • Promotion of European and mobility projects and programs among the youth of the Region of Murcia, as well as among the users of our organization.
  • Participation in workshops and presentations of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) program in youth organizations, secondary schools in the city of Murcia and the University of Murcia.

Please read the full information here:


Go to our Web

Start: 06.09.2024, End: 07.08.2025

The schedule of volunteer activities will be between 25 and 35 hours per week.

The work of the volunteer is basically to accompany and support the teacher in his/her daily life:

  • Greet children on arrival, help with changing shoes if necessary.
  • Monitoring and collaborating during free play. Preparing breakfast with the children and teacher.
  • Help children with hand washing, collection and handling of materials and space.
  • During the outing to the garden the volunteer attends to the children, helps them with their needs and will also prepare the classrooms for the next activity.
  • Return to the classroom, assisting the children and the teacher in the bathroom and at lunch.
  • Participation in story time and dismissal.
  • Entrance to the dining room helping with the bathroom and the needs of the children, maintaining a calm atmosphere and will help to leave the classroom ready for the next activity.
  • Participation in quarterly school parties.
  • Support in activities space maintenance (tidying, cleaning, decorating, gardening, etc.).
  • Support in workshops for children and parents.

The volunteer will be able to participate in the teachers‘ staff where will learn songs, fingerplays, stories and other educational resources that are used daily in the classrooms and will participate in the organization of the annual festivities as they are experienced in Waldorf schools.

Our volunteer will also participate in the following activities:

  • Promotion of European projects and programs and mobility among young people in the Region of Murcia, as well as among the users of our organization.
  • Participation in workshops and presentations of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) program in youth organizations, secondary schools in the city of Murcia and the University of Murcia.

Please read the full info here:

Go to Astrade webiste

Start: 06.09.2024, End: 07.08.2025

The volunteer will develop the activities of the project in the center of La Flota, in the city of Murcia. In this center, users with autism spectrum disorder receive a comprehensive treatment that includes all dimensions of adaptive skills, in order to integrate them into society. In addition, many activities are geared towards the users spend their free time and carry out different sociocultural activities. In this case, the volunteer will accompany them (with the support of one or more people) to facilitate their mobility and participation in these activities.

The main tasks of the volunteer are:

  • Support in the development and implementation of employment programs and the transition of users from adolescence to adulthood.
  • Support in occupational activities and basic skills workshops.
  • Support in daily activities of the users, inside and outside the center, for example: swimming pool workshop (Intervention in the aquatic environment), organic gardening workshop, ecological shop, sales of products, craft workshop (ceramics, glass and leather), activities of daily living (cleaning, cooking, etc.), speech therapy and communication skills workshop, multi-sensory workshop and music therapy, employment workshop, leisure activities, sexuality workshop.

Please read the full information here:

Start: 06.09.2024, End: 07.08.2025

The schedule of volunteer activities will be between 25 and 38 hours per week. Timetable from 9 am to 2 pm (except on days when it is necessary to support the children’s lunch time, which would be until 3 pm).

The participants will carry out their activities in the local community composed mainly of the children, parents, staff and volunteers of La Enredadera Vivencial School who participate in this activity.

The project aims to develop knowledge and skills for all participants. So that both professionals and parents are aware of the need for educational reform in the educational and family system.

The tasks that the participants will carry out are:

In the first stage, volunteers will participate in activities to support the referring teachers, such as the following:

  • Kindergarten: Support in free play, assemblies, English art workshops, English experiment workshops and English learning workshops.
  • Primary: Support in English workshops, participation in English area programming, participation in team meetings and creation of material for the English area.

Apart from this, there is also the possibility for the volunteers themselves to organize some activities for the children (always taking into account the skills and abilities of each person).

Please read the full info here: 

Start: 06.09.2024, End: 07.08.2025

The schedule of volunteer activities will be between 25 and 38 hours per week.

A significant part of our educational activities are carried out outdoor, except for rainy days, low temperatures (10-12 days a year) and windy days. We set up two large shelves with all-terrain wheels, and created two outdoor classrooms.

The volunteers will have the same schedule as the Peñas Blancas School teaching staff. They will accompany the teaching team and the children from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Outside the hours when the children attend the school, they will follow the work of organization and structure of the school with the teachers, attending the weekly routine meetings, supporting in the maintenance and organization of spaces and preparing the activities they wish to lead if they feel like, at some point in their volunteer project, to do so and if the volunteers decide to lead any of the activities proposed by the children. The weekly schedule of the teachers at Peñas Blancas is 36 hours.

In the first part of the day, we have joint moments of dialogue and concentration time dealing with the areas of mathematics and reading and writing in a cross-cutting manner with science, geography, language, music, history, etc.

We have two different groups in primary school (6-8 years old on one side, 9-12 years old on the other) and a group of infants. The second part of the day which we call “Workshops” takes place after our free play where everything is available but no specific activity is organized, we call this time “Blank time”, and these two groups in primary school are not so not so differentiated, it can happen that children of 6 years old are doing the same activity with children of 12 years old.

More specifically, our volunteer will carry out their tasks (depending on the needs of the team and their own skills) within the following areas:

Kindergarten: accompany children in activities (painting, writing or free play) and help teachers with collecting toys from the classroom.

Primary Education: Helping children with doubts (whenever possible) in language and maths. Assisting in the preparation and collection of experiments for science workshop or cooking. Monitoring the children’s playtime together with the rest of the teachers.

Language area (English and French): speaking in these languages (whenever possible) with the children as a form of linguistic immersion during the hours of these subjects. Resolving doubts about vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation for the children.

Cultural workshops (at the volunteer’s free choice): Whenever the volunteer feels like it, he/she can propose different workshops: about his/her culture, cooking, popular dances, etc.

Accompanying foreign children: Sometimes the volunteer may be asked to act as a bridge between teachers and foreign children (as long as they share the same nationality or language as the volunteer) on a linguistic level.

Please find out more about this ESC opportunity here:

Start: 06.09.2024, End: 07.08.2025

The schedule of volunteer activities will be between 25 and 35 hours per week.

This project will be carried out mainly in a neighborhood of El Palmar called Los Rosales. This neighborhood has been characterized for decades by the process of socioeconomic decline, suffering major problems related to housing and social exclusion, as well as a general deterioration that affects many levels: urban, physical and social, and problems in the social and labor integration of the inhabitants.

The volunteers will participate mainly in:

1. Support with primary and secondary school reinforcement (afternoons): Generally, from 15:30 to 17:00 there is support with school reinforcement for primary school children, and from 17:00 to 17:30 there are leisure activities with an educational focus, including games and crafts. Then, from 17:30 to 19:00 there is school reinforcement with the secondary groups, and from 19:00 to 20:00 leisure activities are carried out, pre-established and discussed with the secondary groups, which also include games and handicrafts.

2. Support to families (mornings):

  • Family support and supervision.
  • Participation in workshops with women and child protection
  • Support in workshops on gender equality and intercultural learning.
  • Spanish classes two mornings a week, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm (depending on the level of Spanish).

3. Promotion of European Projects and Programs: Ocassionally the volunteers will participate in workshops and presentations about the European Solidarity Corps program in youth organizations, high schools and the University of Murcia.

4. Summer School (June-July): The summer school consists of 4 weeks during which, from Monday to Thursday from 9:00 to 13:00, various activities are carried out around a main theme (e.g. travel, art, cooking) with groups of mainly primary school children (40 places), such as handicrafts with recycled material, excursions and games.

5. Community intervention in the neighborhood of Los Rosales: Together with other social entities, schools and the city council, quarterly activities are carried out at the community level where children and their families are the protagonists. The main activity is La Fuente de las Culturas, which takes place on a Saturday in May, with a morning of different activities.

Please find our more about this ESC opportunity here:

Start: 06.09.2024, End: 07.08.2025

The schedule of volunteer activities will be between 25 and 35 hours per week. Normally the weekly timetable will be Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm (volunteers may bring their lunch and eat at the office). In the case of occasional weekend work, the days worked will be added to their days off or vacation days. Occasionally, volunteers may work some afternoons per month, either in the office or by teleworking.

The framework of the volunteering project is characterised on the one hand by our work with European and mobility projects and programmes (ERASMUS+, ESC, etc.) and the importance we attach not only to the management of these projects and programmes, but also to reaching as many people as possible, especially young people, because of all the possibilities we believe these programmes offer to young people both in terms of learning and personal and professional development. On the other hand, the project framework is characterised by our focus on the social inclusion of children and young people with fewer opportunities in the region of Murcia through non-formal education activities to promote personal development.

There will be two options of activities in which our volunteers will participate:

Volunteer profile 1:

  • Support in project management and administrative tasks related to the internal work of our organization.
  • Participation in workshops and presentations of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) program in youth organizations, secondary schools in the city of Murcia and the University of Murcia.
  • Participation in local workshops on: activities with children and young people at risk of social exclusion, workshops on intercultural learning with children and young people, etc.
  • Support in the local implementation of European projects within the ERASMUS+ program.
  • Cooperation and logistical support in youth and social inclusion projects promoted by Euroaccion in Murcia.
  • Logistical support in the European trainings given by Euroaccion on the various topics we work with in our European projects.

Volunteer profile 2:

  • Support in the dissemination and visibility of European and mobility projects and programs through Social Networks, website, etc.
  • Support the fine-tuning of Euroaccion’s communication strategy.
  • Participation in workshops and presentations of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) program in youth organizations, Secondary Schools in the city of Murcia and the University of Murcia.
  • Promotion of local projects and European and mobility programs among young people in the Region of Murcia, as well as among the users of our organization.
  • Support in the information and attention to young users of our organization about European and mobility programs (CES, ERASMUS+, EURODISEA, etc.).

Please read all about this ESC opportunity here:


CEIP Rincón de Beniscornia – Public School

Start: 06.09.2024, End: 07.08.2025

The schedule of volunteer activities will be between 25 and 38 hours per week, from 8:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Occasionally, once a month, it will be necessary to come in the afternoon, 3 hours maximum, to help in activities organized by the school community. And once throughout the project, a Saturday morning presence will be required.

Volunteers are welcome to actively participate in all activities proposed by the school community and to propose other activities that motivate them, as well as to develop personal projects that help them to grow and learn. This participation will always be guided and supported by the teachers in charge and by other people from the school community involved in the project, tutoring the learning derived from this participation. We would like to welcome a volunteer who could help us in the daily tasks of our community. We value responsibility, autonomy, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit.

We also appreciate that the volunteers like to travel by bike (since there is not much public transportation) and work in our garden preparing the soil, planting, weeding, watering,…

Please read all about this ESC opportunity here:

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