Make It Blue — Itálie


Program, akce: Evropský sbor solidarity (ESC) — krátkodobé individuální dobrovolnictví (3-4 týdny)

Místo konání:  Tramonti, pobřeží Amalfi, Itálie

Termíny konání (zúčastnit se lze pouze jednoho termínu):

Pro to, aby vaše přihláška byla zvážena je nutné, abyste zaslali svůj životopis a motivační dopis (obojí v angličtině) v jednom emailu na tyto dvě emailové adresy: [email protected] a [email protected]. Prosím v motivačním dopise jasně uveďte, o který termín máte zájem. Do předmětu vašeho emailu uveďte „Make It Blue II“ nebo „Make It Blue III „+ vaše jméno a příjmení“.

Hostitelská organizace: Associazione Costiera Amalfitana Riserva Biosfera (Acarbio)

V rámci programu Evropský sbor solidarity jsou následující finanční specifika: v rámci všech projektů ESC je kompletně (ze 100 %) zajištěno jídlo, ubytování, aktivity, povinné doplňkové pojištění u pojišťovny Henner, místní doprava, a to vše je zcela pokryto z fondů EU programu Evropský sbor solidarity a zařízeno organizátory. Účastníkům dále budou proplaceny cestovní náklady (v případě tohoto projektu) ve výši max. €275 z místa bydliště do místa konání projektu a zpět.

Účastník musí:

  • Být ve věku 18-30 let;
  • Být zaregistrovaný na portálu ESC (v případě, že máte s registrací problém, řiďte se tímto návodem)
  • Mít zájem o dobrovolnictví a tento projekt;
  • Ovládat angličtinu alespoň na úrovni B1

Popis dobrovolnické příležitosti:

Make It Blue – flow II and III:

Who we are:

ACARBIO is a Non-Profit Organization that operates on the Amalfi Coast, a UNESCO Site. We work for the preservation of the local environment and cultural heritage, as well as supporting the local communities with social work. The project that will take place in the town of Maiori. Volunteers will be engaged in activities for the local community and for the protection of the sea, in some cases turtle monitoring and awareness activities on seaturtles (some turtle activities could be very early in the morning) . In particular volunteers will help: the local museum of Maiori with it’s beautiful frescos and the city garden (schedule will include some evening shifts, like museum is from 18 to 00:00 for example); to spread the cultural heritage of the city; to help renovate an abandoned community space in a old building; Beach clean ups to raise awaraness on the sea pollution; Organise activities with children; Please mind that arrival and departure days will be:

  • 30/7 and 21/8 for Make It Blue – flow II
  • and 23 August and 23 September for Make It Blue – flow III


In particular, volunteers will help:

  • in the local museum of Maiori with its beautiful frescos and the city garden, to spread the cultural heritage of the city;
  • in renovating an abandoned community space in a old building;
  • in beach clean ups to raise awareness on the sea pollution;
  • in leading a cultural city tour
  • in supporting of local events and community activities
  • in assistance in caring for children with nuns
  • in raising awareness through communication activities
  • in monitoring and awareness activities on sea turtles


  • Learn about sea pollution and environmental protection through hands-on beach clean-up activities;
  • Learn about local cultural heritage and support the local community to spread the knowledge to visitors and young people;
  • Learn about sea turtles and how to protect them
  • Enhance teamwork, leadership, and communication skills by collaborating on local activities;
  • Experience community leaving and sharing by following sustainable practices (reduction of waste, responsible consumption, recycling)
  • Experience cultural exchange and broaden perspectives by working with volunteers from different backgrounds.


Participants will be hosted in a building in the center of Maiori and given by the local Catholic Nuns order. It is equipped with kitchen, 2 toilets and 1 shower. Volunteers will sleep in rooms of 5 beds, divided by gender. A set of rules are established for the accommodation and we expect volunteers to respect them, such as regular cleaning shifts, community cooking and respectful behaviors. Food supply will be provide.Travel costs will be reimbursed according to the ESC guidelines. Volunteers will also receive 6€ per day of pocket money. In Maiori everything is at walking distance.


During the project participant will learn how to live together as a community. In fact we expect volunteers to share daily duties and live like a family. Also they will learn about the local cultural heritage and how to promote environmental actions. There will also be opportunity to learn italian.


For this project we are searching for motivated young people between 18-30yo, who have an interest to help local communities through volunteering, interested in cultural heritage, environmental actions and social work. No specific experience is required, anyone can bring their own contribution like artistic skills in decorating walls, photo/video making, social media, or just your high spirit and willingness to learn new things. We are look for people ready to engage in community living and sharing with the whole international group. Let us know what you can bring to the project!

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