ERASMUS+, Klíčová akce 2: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices
1. část: online (čtyři dvouhodinového interaktivní tréninkové kurzy):
- 1. kurz vedený EYCB 🇨🇿 čtvrtek 27. března, 16:00—18:00,
- 2. vedený Connect People 2U 🇷🇴 čtvrtek 3. duben, 17:00—19:00,
- 3. vedený Ljudska University 🇸🇮 čtvrtek 10. duben, 16:00—18:00,
- 4. vedený European Campus 🇮🇹 čtvrtek 24. duben, 17:00—19:00.
2. část: 29.—31. květen 2025, Praha
Český tým: 5 účastníků (všechny části)
Online tréninkových kurzů a setkání v Praze se zúčastní pět účastníků za každou organizaci (Itálie, Rumunsko, Slovinsko, ČR). Pokud máte zájem, můžete se zúčastnit pouze online kurzů.
Pokud máte zájem se na tento projekt přihlásit, prosím odešlete vyplněnou přihlášku co nejdříve.
Omrkněte oficiální Instagram tohoto projektu
Hostitelská organizace: EYCB
Embracing diversity: Promoting inclusion of second-generation of immigration through empowerment
The Erasmus project “Embracing Diversity” aims to address the challenges faced by the second generation of immigrants in Europe and foster their inclusion through various educational and cultural exchange activities. The main objective is to counter early school leaving and disinvestment to education among the second generation of immigrants.
Our organizations will formulate a non-formal education methodology specifically centred on avoiding early school leaving. This approach will be crafted with a focus on adaptability, ensuring its formulation is responsive to the unique needs of second-generation children. We will develop early orientation activities that will be implemented during our Embracing Diversity Summer Camp with the help of youth workers.
We expect to create a more inclusive environment where children, especially those with a migration background, know that they are safe and they are free to be who they are and can be who they want in the future. Also we want to empowerment of children, which through early orientation will raise awareness of the importance of education, tackling early school leaving.
- vedený EYCB 🇨🇿 čtvrtek 27. března, 16:00—18:00,
- vedený Connect People 2U 🇷🇴 čtvrtek 3. duben, 17:00—19:00,
- vedený Ljudska University 🇸🇮 čtvrtek 10. duben, 16:00—18:00,
- vedený European Campus 🇮🇹 čtvrtek 24. duben, 17:00—19:00.
Letáček shrnující aktivity tohoto projektu je zde.
Embracing diversity: promoting inclusion of second-generation of immigration through empowerment
Embracing Diversity is a project whose aim is to promote the social inclusion of children and youngsters with an immigration background.
First of all, with the expression second-generation of immigration I refer to the children of immigrants. I decided not to use the expression second-generation immigrants because this one focuses more on the immigration experience, which some of the children did not undergo first hand. The former expression, instead, focuses more on the background experiences of their family.
In some cases, these children were born in their parents’ host country, but still many are the difficulties and struggles they have to face, i.e., discrimination, lack of inclusion…
Among the aims of the project is promoting diversity for fostering understanding, empathy, and a more inclusive society, and avoiding discrimination. Some strategies can be:
- Cultural Education, i.e., Introducing children to different cultures, traditions, languages, and celebrations through stories, books, and interactive activities.
- Collaborative Projects, i.e., Organizing group projects and activities that encourage children to work together and learn from one another.
- Storytelling and Sharing, i.e., Allowing children to share their family traditions, stories, and experiences with their peers, or Creating a safe and respectful environment for open discussions about differences and similarities.
- Cultural Celebrations, i.e., Celebrating diverse holidays and cultural events in your community. Invite children and families to participate and learn about each other’s traditions.
- Highlight the contributions of historically marginalized individuals.
- Anti-Bias Education, i.e., Implementing age-appropriate lessons about bias, stereotypes, and discrimination, or Teaching children how to challenge stereotypes and be allies to their peers.
Since in our territory early school leaving is very common among the second generation of immigration, another objective is to help children discover their talents, and make them and their parents aware of all the opportunities our countries offer in order to have them pursue their interests and dreams.
So far the objectives that have been individuated are:
- avoid discrimination
- promote diversity for a more inclusive society
- prevent early school leaving
This recognizes the importance of creating an inclusive society that embraces diversity and empowers individuals of immigrant backgrounds to actively participate in their host countries‘ social, cultural, and economic aspects.
Promoting diversity is an ongoing process that requires continuous effort. By instilling these values from an early age, children can grow up with a deeper understanding of the world’s richness and the importance of respecting and appreciating differences.
Priorities and topics
HORIZONTAL PRIORITY: Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sport.
Two more priorities: Tackling learning disadvantages, early school leaving and low proficiency in basic skills (SCHOOL EDUCATION); Common values, civic engagement, and participation.
Topics: Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divides; Inclusion, promoting equity and non-discrimination; Preventing early school leaving and failure in education.