Program, akce: Evropský sbor solidarity (ESC) — dlouhodobé dobrovolnictví (8 měsíců)
Místo konání: Argolida, Řecko
Termín dobrovolnictví: 1. duben — 22. listopad 2025
Prosím přečtěte si info-pack zde.
Pokud máte zájem se přihlásit, prosím do přihlášky uveďte jako svou vysílající organizaci EYCB („How did you find out about this project?“ prosím zaklikněte „my sending organisation“). Pak odpovězte „EYCB, Břeclav,“ v přihlášce na tuto otázku: „If a friend, a Hopelander, your Sending organization οr a specific facebook page/website informed you about this project, we will highly appreciate if you name them here or paste the link you found the project. If you chose „My sending organization“ in the question above, please also give details (name, city, contact email etc)“
Deadline přihlašování: co nejdříve – vhodní kandidáti budou oslovováni a přijímání průběžně. Prosím dejte si VELMI záležet při vyplnění vaší přihlášky. Hostitelská organizace si vybírá jen opravdu ty nejvhodnější a nejmotivovanější dobrovolníky. Pro to, abyste měli šanci uspět opravdu věnujte čas, úsilí, péči a energii do vyplnění smysluplné a velmi motivované přihlášky.
Přečtěte si také, jak to vypadalo na jednom z:
- 2024 Hopeland ESC týmů (New Era zde)
- 2024 Hopeland ESC týmů (Greenovation 4.2 zde) Poslechněte si 6. díl našeho podcastu, kde naše dobrovolnice vypráví o svém sedmitýdenním dobrovolnictví Greenovation 4.2 od července do srpna 2024.
- 2024 Hopeland ESC týmů (Greenovation 4.1. zde)
- 2023 Hopeland ESC týmů (Health, Common Good zde.)
Hostitelská organizace: Hopeland
V rámci programu Evropský sbor solidarity jsou následující finanční specifika: v rámci všech projektů ESC je kompletně (ze 100 %) zajištěno jídlo, ubytování, aktivity, povinné doplňkové pojištění u pojišťovny Henner, místní doprava, a to vše je zcela pokryto z fondů EU programu Evropský sbor solidarity a zařízeno organizátory. Účastníkům dále budou proplaceny cestovní náklady (v případě tohoto projektu) ve výši max. €309 z místa bydliště do místa konání projektu a zpět.
Účastník musí:
- Být ve věku 18-30 let;
- Být zaregistrovaný na portálu ESC (v případě, že máte s registrací problém, řiďte se tímto návodem)
- Mít zájem o dobrovolnictví a tento projekt;
- Ovládat angličtinu alespoň na úrovni B1
Popis dobrovolnických příležitostí:
🔎Project details:
- Number of volunteers: 3
- Duration: 8 months (1 April – 22 November)
- Deadline to apply: End of February
🌾Topics of the project:
- Support Hopeland crew in the everyday maintenance and upgrade of the land
- Hosting groups and activities as part of the Hopeland team
- Outreach the local society, build strong partnerships and plan common activities with them
- Leaving a mark behind through individual and groups projects that they choose or initiate
- Being part of a sustainable educational eco-community consisting of the “at the moment” Hopeland residents, allowing them to experience and discover alternative eco-oriented lifestyles
It would be a pleasure to get actively involved and engage volunteers promoting this opportunity within your networks.
🤝To find out more/apply please find:
- Infopack:
- Application form:
You are also more than welcome to share our Facebook & Instagram posts.
About Hopeland:
Hopeland educational eco-community is located in a rural remote area in the south part of Greece. The venture is built with lots of love and (mainly) with natural materials from volunteers, visitors and guests who have visited and stayed with us throughout the last 13 years.
Our mission is to to provide a space where people explore, create and learn from each other and nature. A space in which our actions and interactions are based on our core values of sustainability, accountability, and synergy.
Hopeland is offering various experiential learning experiences through the Erasmus+ and ESC programs, mainly on the topics of personal growth, community and environment.
We are welcoming young people, educators and local farmers to join forces with us and together contribute towards our wider vision of a society with deep community spirit and involvement in personal, social and environmental growth.
Be a Hopelander
Live for 8 months in Hopeland, co-creating with a small group of people, Hopeland’s crew, and create your own self-directed volunteering experience, based on care and common agreements.
Use your hands, mind, creativity and any other skills you might have into maintenance of the place, hosting groups, trainings and residencies, and outreaching the local community of Hopeland.
For a big part of your stay you will be invited to readjust your perception onto a bigger group of people, when you become part of welcoming and supporting volunteering groups, teams and activities. During these periods you’ll have the opportunity to jump into the action and transfer your newly developed attitudes and skills to the newest members.
Maintain and Upgrade
The focus of this domain lies on the improvement of the place. It can be eco-building, gardening, digging, making wooden constructions, maintaining the existing structures and in general improving the infrastructure, the facilities and the sustainability factors of the place. Besides those, on a community level we will be sharing practical living tasks like cooking, cleaning, shopping, managing the social media, watering the gardens, feeding animals etc.
The tasks vary with the season, and are chosen according to the current needs and the long-term plan of Hopeland.
Host groups and activities:
Between April and November, we will have several Erasmus+ groups and volunteering teams being at Hopeland for learning activities. The focus of this domain will be supporting the hosting of these groups according to your skills.
It can be preparing the place, supporting in the kitchen, delivering workshops or activities, supporting in guiding them in task-related activities
Outreach in the local community
The purpose of this domain is to reach out and connect with the local community and the local initiatives of the surrounding area.
We aim to build strong partnerships and plan common activities in general and during this project. We will plan these activities based on the current needs, it could be cleaning of the area, supporting local farmers, visiting local businesses or other eco-communities etc.
We aim to create win-win situations where we contribute to the place we go and on the same time having new learnings on an individual and group level.
Leave your mark
By joining this project you are already considered a “Hopelander”, and a member of the Hopeland eco- community. The place also belongs to you. To support you with that, we encourage you to leave your mark in Hopeland.
During your stay you will have the chance to work on a specific project in a smaller group or alone. Imagine choosing something aligned with Hopeland’s priorities while focusing on a particular element like building, gardening, art, or designing. This is your chance to explore in a deeper level a theme that truly captivates and ignites your inner motivation!
Hopeland’s crew will be there to support you and offer their guidance in imagining and implementing your idea.
Volunteers‘ profile
We are offering this opportunity to 3 volunteers that are fulfulling the requirements from the programme itself as well as fit the profile that we would like to focus on.
- 18-30 years old (not older than 31 on the first day of the project)
- Legal residents of one of the Erasmus+ programme countries with no visa needed to enter Greece
- Ready to live in a rural environment with basic conditions
- Eager to be challenged into aligning together with people from different cultures and making together a nurturing and well-functioning community
- Enthusiastic with hands-on activities and practical tasks like gardening, building, cooking, cleaning etc
- Eager to take initiatives and create opportunities for themselves and society
- People with a clear plan and vision regarding their participation in the project and beyond
- Priority will be given to those that are facing or faced any kind of troubles in life
- We are also looking for people with media skills such as photography and filmmaking for documenting this whole experience for everyone but also support Hopeland activities, digital marketing and promotions.
The location
Hopeland is situated on a hill near the Malandreni village and located 130km (approximately 2h) south of Athens. The nearest town is Argos which is 12km away where you can find anything from small shops to supermarkets, banks, post offices, and bus stations. Closer to Hopeland and 4km away you can find small shops for shopping and coffee. Shops there are limited and unfortunately, it’s not in walking distance so smart and sustainable planning of supplies is needed.
Hopeland center/estate, is located in a 7.7-acre piece of land, with old olive trees, almond and other trees, native herbs and it is surrounded by a forest and boasts, 5 oak trees protected by the local Forest Protection Service, out of which, one of them is estimated to be 400 years old and it came to be the landmark of Hopeland.
Pocket money: You will receive 7€/day on a monthly base for your personal expenses.
Food money: Your food budget will be added to the communal fund, as we manage grocery shopping collectively.
Reimbursement: Your travel costs will be reimbursed according to the distance between your home and Hopeland.
Insurance: Besides the European Health insurance card you are going to be offered a private insurance too.
Youthpass: You are entitled to receive a YouthPass certificate where you are expected to self-assess your own learning.
OLS (Online Language Support): You are eligible for attending Online Language Support courses in Greek for the whole duration of your program.