Program, akce: Evropský sbor solidarity (ESC) — dobrovolnické týmy
Místo konání: Argolida, Řecko
- Dobrovolnictví GAIA: termín konání: 3. duben — 4. květen 2025 (Gaia) Přečtěte si info-pack: a pokud máte zájem se přihlásit, odešlete vyplněnou přihlášku:
- Dobrovolnictví EYES WIDE OPEN: termín konání: 30. duben — 31. květen 2025 (Eyes Wide Open). Přečtěte si info-pack: a pokud máte zájem se přihlásit, odešlete vyplněnou přihlášku:
Pokud máte zájem se přihlásit, prosím do přihlášky uveďte jako svou vysílající organizaci EYCB („How did you find out about this project?“ prosím zaklikněte „my sending organisation“). Pak odpovězte „EYCB, Jakub Miklín, [email protected]“ v přihlášce na tuto otázku: „If a friend, a Hopelander, your Sending organization οr a specific facebook page/website informed you about this project, we will highly appreciate if you name them here or paste the link you found the project. If you chose „My sending organization“ in the question above, please also give details (name, city, contact email etc)“
Deadline přihlašování: co nejdříve – vhodní kandidáti budou oslovováni a přijímání průběžně. Prosím dejte si VELMI záležet při vyplnění vaší přihlášky. Hostitelská organizace si vybírá jen opravdu ty nejvhodnější a nejmotivovanější dobrovolníky. Pro to, abyste měli šanci uspět opravdu věnujte čas, úsilí, péči a energii do vyplnění smysluplné a velmi motivované přihlášky.
Přečtěte si také, jak to vypadalo na jednom z:
- 2024 Hopeland ESC týmů (New Era zde)
- 2024 Hopeland ESC týmů (Greenovation 4.2 zde) Poslechněte si 6. díl našeho podcastu, kde naše dobrovolnice vypráví o svém sedmitýdenním dobrovolnictví Greenovation 4.2 od července do srpna 2024.
- 2024 Hopeland ESC týmů (Greenovation 4.1. zde)
- 2023 Hopeland ESC týmů (Health, Common Good zde.)
Hostitelská organizace: Hopeland
V rámci programu Evropský sbor solidarity jsou následující finanční specifika: v rámci všech projektů ESC je kompletně (ze 100 %) zajištěno jídlo, ubytování, aktivity, povinné doplňkové pojištění u pojišťovny Henner, místní doprava, a to vše je zcela pokryto z fondů EU programu Evropský sbor solidarity a zařízeno organizátory. Účastníkům dále budou proplaceny cestovní náklady (v případě tohoto projektu) ve výši max. €309 z místa bydliště do místa konání projektu a zpět.
Účastník musí:
- Být ve věku 18-30 let;
- Být zaregistrovaný na portálu ESC (v případě, že máte s registrací problém, řiďte se tímto návodem)
- Mít zájem o dobrovolnictví a tento projekt;
- Ovládat angličtinu alespoň na úrovni B1
Popis dobrovolnické příležitosti:
Dates: 3 April – 4 May 2025
Location: Hopeland educational eco-community, Greece
Participants: 15 volunteers from fewer opportunities backgrounds, official EU residents
The project centers on hands-on work to enhance the space, improve sustainability practices, connect with the local community, and create meaningful exchanges. Volunteers will experience living and working together in a communal setting, embracing the challenges and opportunities that come with it.
Application form
We are forming the group as applications come in. If a profile is a good fit, we’ll invite suitable prospective applicants to a video call with the mentor to meet each other and see if it’s a mutual match. If selected, the volunteers will receive a detailed email with all the next steps.
Join GAiA and be a Hopelander!
Live for a month at Hopeland, an educational eco-community in southern Greece. Join 15 volunteers from across Europe and get the full Hopeland experience, guided and supported by the crew. Roll up your sleeves, unleash your creativity, and dive into hands-on work to enhance the space, improve sustainability practices, and contribute to the growth of the project. Experience living and working together in a communal setting, embracing the challenges and opportunities that come with it. All while picking up new skills, making meaningful connections, and finding joy along the way!
About Hopeland:
Hopeland educational eco-community is located in a rural remote area in the south part of Greece. The venture is built with lots of love and mainly natural materials from volunteers, visitors and staff members who have stayed with us throughout the last 13 years.
Our mission is to provide a space where people explore, create and learn from each other and nature. A space in which our actions and interactions are based on our core values of sustainability, accountability, synergy, and of course.. hope!
Hopeland is offering various experiential learning experiences through the Erasmus+ and ESC programs, mainly on the topics of personal growth, community and environment.
We are welcoming young people and youth workers to join forces with us and together contribute towards our wider vision of a society with deep community spirit and involvement in personal, social and environmental growth.
The Bigger Picture:
The GAiA project is a 3-year Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas project unfolding across 4 European countries. At its core is the commitment to integrating permaculture ethics into non-formal education, particularly supporting youth with fewer opportunities and marginalized communities.
This year’s focus, Observe and Interact, emphasizes the connection with nature and the application of permaculture ethics in daily life. Volunteer teams in Greece and Italy will engage in hands-on activities that promote sustainability and deepen their understanding of environmental interconnectivity.
Over its duration, the GAiA poject will implement 6 volunteering teams, involving 90 volunteers, 77 from fewer opportunity backgrounds, who will experiment with sustainable practices and contribute to the well-being of marginalized rural communities.
Our main focus: Hands-on Activities:
At Hopeland, hands-on activities are at the heart of the experience, focusing on improving the space and its sustainability. As a volunteer, you’ll take part in maintaining existing structures, and enhancing overall infrastructure through gardening, eco-building, landscaping, woodworking, and more. Alongside these, the community shares practical daily tasks such as cooking, cleaning, shopping, managing social media, watering the gardens, and caring for animals.
Tasks shift with the seasons, guided by both immediate needs and Hopeland’s long-term vision. Throughout your stay, you’ll rotate through different activities, getting a feel for everything. If something sparks your interest, there’s space to dive deeper and develop your skills.
Apart from the set ongoing projects proposed by Hopeland’s crew, if you feel inspired, you can also take the initiative to propose your own project, draft a plan, bring it to the crew and if you get green light, bring it to life.
Connecting & Expanding:
Hopeland is also a space for collaboration and exchange. We invite our friends from Liveloula, a nearby eco-community, to share their expertise in gardening and permaculture. Beyond our own projects, we seek to connect with the local community and nearby initiatives, whether by supporting local farmers, visiting eco-communities, organizing clean-up efforts, organising blood-donation initiatives, or collaborating with local businesses.
Our goal is to create meaningful exchanges where we contribute to the places we engage with while gaining valuable learning experiences on both an individual and group level. As a volunteer, you’ll be encouraged to play a vital part in these efforts by actively participating in the proposed events and also bringing your own ideas to the table.
Beyond work:
The fun at Hopeland doesn’t stop when the work day ends. Beyond the 7 working hours each weekday, you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy your stay here at Hopeland. Cozy evenings by the fire (when it’s still fire season), reading under the oak tree, swimming in Nafplio, hiking through the natural surroundings, or visiting nearby villages and cultural sites. How you spend your free time is up to you, whether it’s recharging, discovering, or simply relaxing.
During your free time, there’s also the opportunity for skill-sharing, where anyone can offer workshops or activities based on their own interests. It’s entirely up to you whether you want to join in.
There’s always something going on at Hopeland, as long as someone is ready to make it happen.
Hopeland’s crew:
Hopeland is run by a small, international community of long-term residents who live and work together, known as the Hopeland crew. Each crew member brings their unique expertise, contributing to the daily life and sustainability of the place. The crew is also here to support and guide you, enhancing your volunteering experience. Whether it’s cleaning, cooking, gardening, or building, there’s always someone ready to help. Beyond practical guidance, the Hopeland crew is dedicated to sharing their knowledge, answering your questions, and helping you settle into the rhythm of community life.
As a short-term volunteer, you’ll also have a mentor whose primary focus is your well-being and personal growth throughout your stay. Your mentor will support you with your daily tasks and development, help you navigate group dynamics, and guide you through reflection sessions, where you can process your experiences and make the most out of your time at Hopeland.
Volunteer’s profile:
We are offering this opportunity to 15 participants to ensure the intercultural dimension of the project. There are several requirements from the programme itself and a profile that we would like to focus on.
- 18-30 years old (not older than 31 on the first day of the project)
- Legal residents of one of the Erasmus+ programme countries with no visa needed to enter Greece
- Ready to live in a rural environment with basic conditions
- Eager to be challenged into aligning together with people from different cultures and open to sharing space, responsibilities, and decision-making with others in a communal setting
- Enthusiastic with hands-on activities and practical tasks like gardening, building, cooking, cleaning
- Eager to show commitment, take initiatives and create opportunities for themselves and society
- Priority will be given to those that are facing or faced any kind of troubles in life
- We are also looking for a couple of volunteers with media skills such as photography and filmmaking for documenting this whole experience for everyone but also support Hopeland activities, digital marketing and promotions.
An important note:
At Hopeland, we want to make sure the experience is a good fit for everyone. Please keep in mind that this is not a healing retreat or therapy space. If you’re going through something that feels too much to handle on your own, we encourage you to seek professional help before joining us. We also aren’t a place for managing addictions, whether related to drugs or alcohol, as we don’t have the resources to support those needs, neither it’s our focus.
The work here can be physically demanding. Tasks like gardening, eco-building, and other hands-on activities require a certain level of fitness so check if you are ready for it. We also ask for personal responsibility, this means taking care of yourself, being mindful of your time, and doing your part as an active member of the team.
This is not a vacation. It’s a chance for personal growth through physical work and shared experiences, so be prepared to engage fully. We want everyone to have a fulfilling and enjoyable experience, please think about these points when deciding if this is the right fit for you.
Please read the rest of the information in the info-pack:
Eyes Wide Open
Over the past four years, we’ve run 17 volunteering teams, welcoming more than 250 volunteers into our eco-community. And guess what? We’re ready to do it all again!
We’re reaching out to share our next big adventure: Eyes Wide Open Volunteering Teams in High-Priority Areas. We’d appreciate your support in spreading the word and helping us connect with people who feel called to be part of this experience.
Dates: April 30th – May 31st, 2025
Location: Liveloula educational eco-community, Greece
Participants: 10 volunteers from fewer opportunities backgrounds, official EU residents
The project focuses on supporting the preservation of cultural landscapes in marginalized rural areas, while connecting with the local community, and creating meaningful exchanges. Volunteers will experience living and working together in a communal setting, embracing the challenges and opportunities that come with it.
Application form:
We are forming the group as applications come in. If a profile is a good fit, we’ll invite them to a video call with the mentor to meet each other and see if it’s a mutual match. If selected, they’ll receive a detailed email with all the next steps.
Please make sure your volunteers mention the name of your organization in the relevant question in the form. Once a volunteer is selected we will contact you for further arrangements. The financial compensation is 64€ for each volunteer that successfully completes the project. Let us know if this works for you and if you are having some other policy, we will be happy to discuss.
We have already officially launched the call for volunteers and we invite you to actively engage with it, promoting this project within your networks. Here you can find our Facebook and Instagram posts