Valencia Volunteering — Španělsko


Program, akce: Evropský sbor solidarity (ESC) — dlouhodobé individuální dobrovolnictví (12 měsíců)

 Délka doborovolnictví: co nejdříve na délku 12 měsíců

Místo konání: Gandia nebo Bellreguard, Valencie, Španělsko

Deadline pro přihlašování: co nejdříve

Pokud máte zájem se přihlásit, prosím pošlete svůj životopis a motivační dopis (obojí v angličtině) v jednom emailu na tyto dvě emailové adresy: [email protected] [email protected]V motivačním dopise prosím jasně uveďte název dobrovolnické pozice, o kterou máte zájem. Do předmětu emailu prosím dejte “Xeracion ESC” vaše jméno a název dobrovolnictví, na které se hlásíte (Bellreguard či Auna Inclusió). Dále je také nutné odeslat vyplněnou přihlášku

Pro to, abyste na tento projekt mohli jet je nutné, abyste vlastnili nejen občanský průkaz (který musíte mít ze zákona), ale také platný cestovní pas (s platností min. ještě 150 dní od datumu začátku vámi vybraného projektu).

V rámci programu Evropský sbor solidarity jsou následující finanční specifika: v rámci všech projektů ESC je kompletně (ze 100 %) zajištěno jídlo, ubytování, aktivity, komplexní zdravotní pojištění u pojišťovny Henner, jazykový kurz, místní doprava, a to vše je zcela pokryto z fondů EU programu Evropský sbor solidarity a zařízeno organizátory. Účastníkům dále budou proplaceny cestovní náklady (v případě tohoto projektu) ve výši max. €275 z místa bydliště do místa konání projektu a zpět.

Účastník musí:

  • Být ve věku 18-30 let;
  • Být zaregistrovaný na portálu ESC (v případě, že máte s registrací problém, řiďte se tímto návodem)
  • Mít zájem o dobrovolnictví a tento projekt;
  • Ovládat angličtinu alespoň na úrovni B1

Hostitelská organizace: Xeracion Valencia

Popis ESC příležitostí:

Volunteering with children: Bellreguard

Please read the full info-pack here. 

Hosting organisation

Llar Juvenil of Bellreguard is a youth centre that is a public service owned by the town hall “Ajuntament de Bellreguard”, where different activities and projects related to youth education and leisure are carried out. Their work with children from 6 years old, teenagers and young adults up to 30 years old. Objectives are to:

  • Encourage participation in cultural, associative and creative practices of youth and the creation of youth associations.
  • Consolidate among the youth the values linked to democracy, tolerance, respect, solidarity, entrepreneurial spirit and effort.
  • Develop an educational and socializing action promoting processes of active insertion of young people in society with programs that promote education in participation.
  • Promote the figure of social volunteering and to encourage and cover those young people who have a profile of social commitment and a high potential for participation.
  • Create an awareness of respect for the environment, responsible attitudes and sustainable, healthy lifestyle habits and prevention of drug use.
  • Promote supportive and non-violent behaviours, with actions of promotion and prevention on issues of gender violence, equality, tolerance, diversity, LGTBQI+, etc.

Summary of this volunteering project:

We believe that youth are a very important group in society beyond demographics, and that is why emphasis must be placed on those social and  cultural characteristics that defined them as a group. The degree of civilization of a society is measured, among other factors, by the attention and protection that it provides to its children, adolescents and youth. Therefore we are convinced of the importance of intervention in children and youth.

Youth policies are framed by a commandment of the Constitution, second which, in article 48 says “the public powers shall promote the conditions for the free and effective participation of youth in political, economic and cultural development”.

At the beginning of 2004 a group of technicians and youth workers decided to create synergies and join forces to reach the youth audience of its populations with attractive projects; It is then that they create what they call “Calaix Jove de la Safor”. This project is sponsored by the “Mancomunidad de Municipios de la Safor” a few years later as a specific action, that is, a service linked to the towns that request it. La Llar Juvenil de Bellreguard through the Bellreguard City Council, has been collaborating with it since then in carrying out activities organized for and by young people.


There will be a very wide range of possible activities available for the volunteers, they will be able to help and give support in tasks such as:

  • Regional support in the youth spaces of the Safor region with technicians especially giving ideas and helping develop youth activities programming for Bellreguard.
  • Support in the communication area of the Youth Service: web and social networks. Writing posts, reels, videos, photographs and anything else they consider „fashionable“ at all times, since they are young people and the public to whom it is addressed are also people of
    approximately his age.
  • Preparation of graphic and audio-visual material of interest to youth (videos, photography, posters, time-lapses, blogs …)
  • Training in the „Terra Liders“ program to actively participate in Earth Leaders ecological volunteering.
  • Support in the English conversation group of the Su-FORMA.
  • Support in the youth participation projects “Creando Futuro” and the „Corresponsals Juvenils de la Safor“ Network.
  • Reinforcement of the activities carried out in the educational leisure region through the „Barrejat d’Oci“ programs and „Nits Bordes“ which are leisure alternatives at night to avoid drug and alcohol abuse.
  • Support in the activities around the creation of a participatory diagnosis of the Youth of La Safor through Interviews with young people and Young Forum.
  • Dissemination of the European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus + Youth volunteer program in the centers of Bellreguard secondary school and surroundings.
  • Support in the drafting and execution of European programs such as youth exchanges of the Erasmus + program Youth, as well as empowering local youth to create their own projects.
  • Proposals for awareness campaigns related to any topic that they consider to be of interest to the youth of the region.
  • 10% -20% of the total time of your volunteering, in social groups in the region, such as Ca Saforaui, Red Cross or any other social center or association of their choice.

four person hands wrap around shoulders while looking at sunset

Supporting Local Communities: Auna Inclusió

Please read the full info-pack here.

Hosting organisation:

We are an association of parents of people with intellectual functional diversity, declared of Public Utility by the Ministry of the Interior, which was created more than 50 years ago in the region of La Safor. It is directed by a Board of Directors in parents‘ assembly and we work so that people with functional diversity and their families have a dignified life and can enjoy a project for the future.

We have 2 main residences, one in Potries and another in Gandia. There are 115 people working in our centers. In the residence of Gandia there are a total of 20 users while 44 users are in Potries. Rehabilitation activities are carried out (physiotherapy room, rehabilitation pool, stimulation room and personal autonomy), with appropriate staff, physiotherapists, educators and psychologists.

In the occupational center, therapies are carried out with subcontracted jobs handmade wool carpets, pottery workshop, hand-painted fans, bead workshop (such as bracelets, pendants, etc.) and details for gifts and printing (such as mugs, T-shirts, Christmas baskets). We also have theatre workshops and a theatre show that our users create during the year.

We also have programs for initial professional qualification, gardening, cleaning, cooking. Training and job placement workshops and comprehensive employment plans, as well as a special employment center ECONATURA SAFOR S.L., where 70% of the employees are people with intellectual functional diversity.

Group activities are carried out on Friday and Saturday afternoons to give walks and snacks to our users of the center or even to people who do not belong to it but are associated to the entity to be able to have this service.

Short-term activities out of the center are carried out, in which a group of users with monitors go to a hostel from Friday to Sunday with activities both within the facilities of the hostel and outside it, visiting tourist areas of the town.

At Asmisaf we work so that the intellectually disabled and their families have a dignified life and can enjoy a project for the future. We offer:

  • Rehabilitation activities (physiotherapy room, rehabilitation pool, sensory stimulation room) and personal autonomy, with appropriate staff, physiotherapists, educators, psychologists…
  • OCCUPATIONAL CENTRE with initial professional qualification programs.
  • LEISURE with summer camps, weekend outings, family breaks, trips.
  • THERAPEUTIC GROUPS for parents
  • Self-advocacy groups

More information about the organisation can be fount at:


This is a challenging project with people with intellectual functional diversity. Background of these people might be delicate with difficult life situations  that provokes that their behaviour might tends to be verbally aggressive/complicated. It’s very demanding but also extremely enriching and satisfying for volunteers. Please take this into consideration before applying for this project.


There will be a very wide range of possible activities available for the volunteers, with a maximum of 35 hours per week and being able to help and give support in tasks such as:

  • Excursions to the different porrats of the villages of the Safor: They are usually at weekends, when they do not have a day centre or activity centre. We go to the Porrat where we visit the craft market, go on the fairground rides and have a snack or refreshment.
  • Cinema visits: we arrange a visit to the cinema to confirm and reserve the seats we need, we buy popcorn and soft drinks and we enjoy the film we have chosen together. When the film is over, we take a walk around the shopping centre.
  • Trips for walks and snacks: We usually have many activities out of this type as we all like to get out of the house and socialise with the rest of society either walking or just sitting on a terrace having a drink and watching other people go by. We usually choose a different town and
    sometimes there are towns where they used to live with their relatives and where there are still people they know and can see when they pass by.
  • Cooking/handicraft workshops: a group of residents, together with an assistant, go shopping for what is needed to carry out the programmed activity, cooking or any other type of handicraft.
  • Relaxing baths with salts, essences and massages: at appropriate times and for those users who like and enjoy this activity, relaxing baths with essences and special soaps for residents in which they can relax and enjoy at a prudent time of disconnection and the pleasant scent of the essences.
  • Weekend walks on the beach: At weekends and when the weather is good (especially in winter) we go for walks on the beach in groups.Sometimes along the promenade or along the shore, depending on the season.
  • Organising Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day, Fallas, Carnival, Peace Day: We love to celebrate all the holidays with our friends and monitors, like putting up the Christmas decorations, Valentine’s Day, choosing our costume and dressing up.
  • Decorating the organisation’s premises in Potries: to be able to organise a good party or celebration, it is necessary to have a good decoration and we are very good at decorating with things bought and made handicrafts by reusing materials.
  • Water activities (in summer): As we have a swimming pool in the center, we like to go swimming in the summer and organise activities of free choice and rhythm as aqua-gym.
  • Watching films with popcorn and/or snacks: We have multipurpose rooms where we have a projector where we can show films or do karaoke
    and others dance or vice versa.
  • Sensory and musical stimulation sessions: Different materials are used to carry out stimulation sessions so that our users who are unable to do
    other types of activities can do and discover through touch or sound a variety of manipulative or auditory objects.
  • Assemblies: our users give their opinion on what activities they want to do, where they want to go for a drink, a walk or other activities of their choice.

Volunteer’s profile:

We are looking for one last highly motivated volunteer (any nationality) from any of the EU programme countries with a very positive attitude and initiative, adaptable to change, with problem-solving capacity and able to work both independently and as a team member. The ideal candidates should have some experience, studies or a major interest in:

  • Social Education and integration, Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology or similar.
  • Audio-visuals, Web management, Social media or any related topics.
  • Working/volunteering with people with intellectual functional diversity.
    Based on previous experiences at least an intermediate level of Spanish language (B1/B2) is required for this project.

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