Valencia Volunteering — Španělsko


Program, akce: Evropský sbor solidarity (ESC) — dlouhodobé individuální dobrovolnictví (12 měsíců)

 Délka doborovolnictví: co nejdříve na délku 12 měsíců

Místo konání: Gandia, Valencie, Španělsko

Deadline pro přihlašování: co nejdříve

Pokud máte zájem se přihlásit, prosím pošlete svůj životopis a motivační dopis (obojí v angličtině) v jednom emailu na tyto dvě emailové adresy: [email protected] [email protected]V motivačním dopise prosím jasně uveďte název dobrovolnické pozice, o kterou máte zájem. Do předmětu emailu prosím dejte “Xeracion ESC” vaše jméno a název dobrovolnictví, na které se hlásíte (Environmental Issues, ASMISAF, BUENAVISTA). Dále je také nutné odeslat vyplněnou přihlášku

Pro to, abyste na tento projekt mohli jet je nutné, abyste vlastnili nejen občanský průkaz (který musíte mít ze zákona), ale také platný cestovní pas (s platností min. ještě 150 dní od datumu začátku vámi vybraného projektu).

V rámci programu Evropský sbor solidarity jsou následující finanční specifika: v rámci všech projektů ESC je kompletně (ze 100 %) zajištěno jídlo, ubytování, aktivity, komplexní zdravotní pojištění u pojišťovny Henner, jazykový kurz, místní doprava, a to vše je zcela pokryto z fondů EU programu Evropský sbor solidarity a zařízeno organizátory. Účastníkům dále budou proplaceny cestovní náklady (v případě tohoto projektu) ve výši max. €275 z místa bydliště do místa konání projektu a zpět.

Účastník musí:

  • Být ve věku 18-30 let;
  • Být zaregistrovaný na portálu ESC (v případě, že máte s registrací problém, řiďte se tímto návodem)
  • Mít zájem o dobrovolnictví a tento projekt;
  • Ovládat angličtinu alespoň na úrovni B1

Hostitelská organizace: Xeracion Valencia

Popis ESC příležitostí:

SUPPORTING LOCAL COMMUNITIES: Environmental Issues (Gandia) 

a sign that is sitting in the sand

Please read the info-pack here. 

Far from improving, the environmental situation nowadays is becoming worse day by day reaching a point of “no return” that would be terrible for our Nature and Planet.
We believe that our best way to try changing this is taking action and raising awareness amongst the population, especially youth who will suffer the most the consequences of our current actions.  That is the reason why this project focuses in action-awareness and environmental activism, and aims to show that the garbage we produce in our daily life can not only be reduced, but can also be reused, thus generating new economy and possible business especially for people with fewer opportunities and /or social problems. We also want to empower youth developing their ideas and transforming them into real projects.
  1. Therefore with this project we will be combining:

a. Environmental issues (MAIN PROJECT):
b. Precious Plastic machines which transform plastic waste into new and valuable objects.

    2. Awareness campaigns and workshops
a. Workshops for children with less opportunities and youth from the region.
b. Awareness campaigns started by volunteers about any topic that they might consider relevant in the region.
c. Erasmus+ and other European programs campaigns, info sessions and workshops.
3. Non-formal management
a. Starting and managing a non-profit organisation.
b. Writing and delivering projects based on non-formal education.


1. To empower youth of the region (especially with fewer opportunities) by giving them the necessary skills and knowledge to create and manage a non-profit association, including writing and coordinating projects;
2. To boost the entrepreneurial spirit of volunteers and local youth (especially with fewer opportunities) by providing them with the tools, knowledge and skills necessary to develop their own ideas and projects;
3. To encourage and facilitate national and international mobility of youth (through exchanges, courses, volunteering …) including European youth cooperation and European programs;
4. To raise awareness among the youth of the region about environmental conservation, active citizenship, social inclusion, healthy habits, converting them into multiplier agents of change;
5. To promote values of tolerance, inclusion, interculturality, solidarity and sustainability among the volunteers and the youth of the region;
6. To support the most disadvantaged sectors of the local community (social and educational centres) through workshops, events and activities;


The project will be developed in Gandia and the region of “La Safor”, a city of a population over 80,000 people in the Mediterranean east coast of Spain between the cities of Valencia and Alicante.

La Safor is an attractive region, divided between the coast and mountainous interior. The natural habitat of the high mountains of Mustalla, Safor, Agulles and Grossa is rich with vegetation, while the coastal border is made up of plains of wide groves, long beaches and also a dense urban area.

Gandia is one of the major tourist destinations in Spain. Traditionally Gandia’s tourism has a domestic base, with the majority coming from Madrid, although in recent years it has been an increasingly popular destination for international tourists, mainly French, German and British.

The climate of Gandia is Mediterranean-subtropical with very mild temperatures during winters (10- 20°C) and very hot summers (25-35°C).


12 month volunteering with people with physical and mental disabilities – ASMISAF

Please read the full info-pack here. 

four person hands wrap around shoulders while looking at sunset

Hosting organisation:

We are an association of parents of people with intellectual functional diversity, declared of Public Utility by the Ministry of the Interior, which was created more than 50 years ago in the region of La Safor. It is directed by a Board of Directors in parents‘ assembly and we work so that people with functional diversity and their families have a dignified life and can enjoy a project for the future.

We have 2 main residences, one in Potries and another in Gandia. There are 115 people working in our centers. In the residence of Gandia there are a total of 20 users while 44 users are in Potries.

Rehabilitation activities are carried out (physiotherapy room, rehabilitation pool, stimulation room and personal autonomy), with appropriate staff, physiotherapists, educators and psychologists.

In the occupational center, therapies are carried out with subcontracted jobs handmade wool carpets, pottery workshop, hand-painted fans, bead workshop (such as bracelets, pendants, etc.) and details for gifts and printing (such as mugs, T-shirts, Christmas baskets). We also have theatre workshops and a theatre show that our users create during the year.

We also have programs for initial professional qualification, gardening, cleaning, cooking. Training and job placement workshops and comprehensive employment plans, as well as a special employment center ECONATURA SAFOR S.L., where 70% of the employees are people with intellectual functional diversity.

Group activities are carried out on Friday and Saturday afternoons to give walks and snacks to our users of the center or even to people who do not belong to it but are associated to the entity to be able to have this service.

Short-term activities out of the center are carried out, in which a group of users with monitors go to a hostel from Friday to Sunday with activities both within the facilities of the hostel and outside it, visiting tourist areas of the town.

At Asmisaf we work so that the intellectually disabled and their families have a dignified life and can enjoy a project for the future. We offer:

> Rehabilitation activities (physiotherapy room, rehabilitation pool, sensory stimulation room) and personal autonomy, with appropriate staff, physiotherapists, educators, psychologists…
> OCCUPATIONAL CENTRE with initial professional qualification programs.
> LEISURE with summer camps, weekend outings, family breaks, trips.
> Self-advocacy groups

More information about the organisation can be fount at:


This is a challenging project with people with intellectual functional diversity. Background of these people might be delicate with difficult life situations that provokes that their behaviour might tends to be verbally aggressive/complicated. It’s very demanding but also extremely enriching and satisfying for volunteers. Please take this into consideration before applying for this project.

a beach scene with a bicycle in the water

12 months volunteering with unaccompanied migrant minors in a BUENAVISTA center: 

Please read the full info-pack here.


Hosting organisation:

The „AMIGÓ FUNDATION“ is a non-profit organization created on 1996 in order to contribute to the social and individual transformation of vulnerable people, especially for children and youth in difficulty and their families It is based on the defense of human and childhood rights, developing its work through socio-educational and psychosocial intervention

The Fundation aims at research, training, awareness, assistance and technical cooperation in educational and social fields for human development, quality of life and improvement of prevention, assistance, integration and rehabilitation of excluded and vulnerable people, especially children, youth and adolescents who suffer abandonment, marginalization, alcoholism, drug addiction, delinquency, mistreatment, isolation and poverty in the Spanish State and abroad

The Buenavista Center is part of this Fundation as a resource for minors that provide comprehensive and educational care for children and adolescents in custody and / or guardianship who are deprived of a suitable family environment, providing them with a place of residence and coexistence and care aimed at their development holistic and community

More info can be found at fundacionamigoorg/buenavista


This is a very challenging project volunteering with migrant minors who arrive to Spain and they do not have a family

Often the background of these minors is very delicate with very difficult life situations that provokes that their behaviour might tends to be verbally aggressive and complicated It’s very demanding but also extremely enriching and satisfying for volunteers

Please take this into consideration before applying for this project

Summary of the project:

More than 4700 minors arrived to Spain during 2018 without any family, an increase of 78% compared to the previous year. And despite the fact that according to the latest available official data on crime in Spain (2016), only 64% of the crimes registered in Spain are committed by people of African nationality, some political parties blame them for ending up in criminal circuits and to deteriorate the coexistence in the neighbourhoods, even going so far as to say that „they are out of control“ And as if that were not enough, these young people face an even greater problem when they turn 18 and reach their legal adult age, since the situation of these migrants changes radically because they are no longer under public guardianship

In reality, many of them are left unprotected and without a residence permit, despite the fact that the authorities should have provided them with the necessary documentation to obtain it By ceasing to be minors many of them are on the street, in the most absolute social marginalization

In this context, we think that it is absolutely essential to have centres like ours, where we have a resource for minors providing comprehensive and educational care for children and adolescents in a situation of custody and guardianship who are deprived of a suitable family environment, providing them with a place of residence and coexistence and an attention oriented to its holistic and community development.


The project will be developed in “Residencia Buenavista” near a very small village called “Real de Gandia” in the region of “La Safor” The biggest town around and capital of the region is Gandia, with a population over 80,000 people in the Mediterranean east coast of Spain between the cities of Valencia and Alicante.

La Safor is an attractive region, divided between the coast and mountainous interior The natural habitat of the high mountains of Mustalla, Safor, Agulles and Grossa is rich with vegetation, while the coastal border is made up of plains of wide groves, long beaches and also a dense urban area.


There will be a very wide range of possible activities available for the volunteers, with a maximum of 6 hours per day and being able to help and give support in tasks such as:
● Planning, implementing and evaluating their daily schedule and educational activities (literacy, workshops ) as well as making sports and leisure resources for minors
● Planning, designing and evaluating socio-educational and psychosocial intervention with the minors and accompany them to medical appointments
● Participating in the coordination meetings of the Working Group and the Educational Team
● Recording data and prepare and write reports that are required by the Technical Team
● Requesting transportation needs to Management at the educational team meeting
● Recording weekly outings planned for your tutelage in the diary field, and interviews and communication with family members (if possible) to follow up on their evolution
● Supporting with the management of purchases for the needs of minors or for the activities that are carried out, as well as clothing inventory
● Completing the documents included in the Individualized Intervention Project (PII): Initial Observation Record, Prolonged Observation Record, Follow-up Record and Final Report
● Supporting the creation and development of activities, campaigns and events (cultural, environmental, social) for children and youth to promote the values of the center
● Helping with the coordination of local volunteers, as well as getting new people interested in collaborating to perform tasks of all kinds in the center
● Promoting ESC and the Erasmus + program to encourage youth to participate
● Helping with the maintenance of the website, as well as social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TIk Tok ) for dissemination of the centerEs activities and help eliminate the stigma suffered by these young migrants
● Create audiovisual material (photography, videos, time-lapses, stop motions) and deisng of logos or other promotional material that allows to give visibility to the day to day of these young people thus eliminating the status of criminals that is attributed to them on many occasions

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