Las Rozas de Madrid ESC — Španělsko


Program, akce: Evropský sbor solidarity (ESC) — krátkodobé dobrovolnictví (dva měsíce)

Termín konání: červenec—srpen 2024

Místo konání: Las Rozas de Madrid, Španělsko

Dobrovolník: Alice Ch.

Prosím přečtěte si info-pack. 

Přečtěte si, jak to vypadalo na dlouhodobém (čtyřměsíčním) dobrovolnictví v této organizaci v deníku naší dobrovolnice, která se z Las Rozas vrátila začátkem června zde.

Hostitelská organizace: Adefis Juventud Internacional

Popis této dobrovolnické příležitosti:

ADEFIS – Who We Are:

The NGO ADEFIS was founded in 2012 in Las Rozas de Madrid, Spain. Our goal is to build a fair society based on respect for human rights for all citizens of the world, especially the most vulnerable. To achieve this, ADEFIS uses non-formal education methods to develop skills and knowledge.

We carry out various humanitarian, sports, cultural, digitalization, educational, and environmental activities. All our initiatives align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our headquarters are in Las Rozas de Madrid (Spain), and we are registered with the Ministry of the Interior of the Government of Spain with No. 601369, operating internationally.

What We Do:

At ADEFIS, we focus on a variety of activities to promote a more just and equitable society:

  • HUMANITARIAN ACTIVITIES: Projects that help vulnerable people by providing basic assistance and emergency support.
  • SPORTS: Programs that promote healthy living, social inclusion, personal development, and values like teamwork and discipline.
  • CULTURE: Cultural programs that preserve and share cultural heritage, as well as promote creativity and cultural  participation.
  • DIGITALIZATION: Projects that provide access to technology and digital literacy, reducing the digital divide and improving educational and job opportunities.
  • EDUCATION: Non-formal education methods that develop skills and knowledge, especially for those with less access to traditional education.
  • ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITMENT: Initiatives that promote sustainability and respect for the environment, in line with the SDGs.

All our activities aim to create a sustainable world and strengthen the most needy communities, focusing on equality and social justice. Since our beginning, ADEFIS has been involved in ERASMUS+ KA1, KA2, KA3, Capacity-Building, European Youth Foundation, and Youth in Action projects. We are accredited by the European Solidarity Corps to send and receive European volunteers and coordinate projects. We also host interns from universities, schools, and institutes.


At ADEFIS, we use non-formal education methods to develop skills and knowledge for everyone, especially those with fewer opportunities.

Our Principles:

  • Participatory learning: Encouraging active participation and idea exchange.
  • Flexibility: Adapting activities to participants‘ needs and contexts.
  • Practical approach: Combining theory with practice for real learning experiences.
  • Inclusion and accessibility: Making all activities inclusive and accessible.
  • Holistic development: Focusing on social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development.
  • Lifelong learning: Promoting continuous learning throughout life.

These methods help people gain new skills and knowledge, boost self-esteem, and increase independence, preparing them to face future challenges. Our goal is to empower individuals to contribute to their communities and sustainable societal development.


Our core values guide all our actions and decisions:

  • Inclusion: Ensuring everyone has access to opportunities and resources.
  • Solidarity: Building a sense of community and mutual support.
  • Respect: Valuing everyone’s dignity and promoting mutual respect.
  • Sustainability: Committing to practices that protect the environment.
  • Transparency: Maintaining clear and accountable operations.
  • Innovation: Seeking new and effective ways to tackle social and environmental challenges.
  • Commitment: Working passionately to achieve positive impacts.
  • Equity: Promoting justice and equal opportunities.
  • Active Citizenship and Democracy: Based on EU commitments.
  • Support for the inclusion of people with disabilities.
  • No discrimination or hate speech against the LGTBIQ community.

These values define who we are and inspire our work, guiding us in creating a more just and equitable world.

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