Eco Energy+ — Bulharsko


Program, akce: Evropský sbor solidarity (ESC) — krátkodobé dobrovolnictví (dva měsíce)

Termíny konání: 1. duben—29. květen 2024

Místo konání: Kazanlak, Bulharsko

Dobrovolník: Karolína F.

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Hostitelská organizace: Youth development center-Mutual aid

Deník z ESC dobrovolnictví:

As a lot of Czech people, I too didn’t think much about Bulgaria. My generation was always told stories of our grandparents going to the Bulgarian sea for vacation. It was the only place they could visit abroad, since they lived under communist government and couldn’t travel.

Maybe for that reason, many people in my country don’t choose Bulgaria as a travel destination. I wouldn’t either if this volunteering opportunity didn’t change my mind. I wanted to try something different and something different did I get. It shocked me there is not even a single shop in the village we live in. I got used to living my city life now, but before that I grew up in a small town close to mountains. But it still doesn’t compare to how cut off the Srednogorovo village is. And how tall the mountains around us are. In more than a week here it still surprises me to see white top of mountains while walking around in a t-shirt.

I would lie if I said I love living in such a detached area. I jump at every chance I get to get a ride to a town. But there is a bright side to this kind of life – it is much slower. You know how you often think ‘Oh what a cool thing, I’m gonna find out more about it when I have time.’ But then you never have time. Well, I have time now. So I’m reading all more books than before, listen to more podcasts about current situation in the world, learning about politics and the inner working of European Union, … just all the things that always fascinated me and I wanted to know more about, but next to my job and hobbies I never had enough energy to study.

So even though the transition isn’t easy, I am happy to have time for the things I always pushed aside. I feel proud of myself to actually use my free time here to study and self develop. Because you should never stop educating yourself. 

28. 4. 2024:

Almost a month ago, I embarked on an Erasmus project, not knowing it would lead me to form deep connections with people from Georgia. Initially, Georgia was just a name on a map for me, but through this experience, it became a place filled with vibrant culture, rich history, and warm-hearted people.

The journey began with introductions and awkward small talk, but soon blossomed into genuine friendships. Sharing meals, exploring nearby towns, and even struggling through language barriers together created bonds that transcended borders.

My new friends from Georgia became my guides, teaching me about their traditions, cuisine, and customs. From toasting to dancing to traditional music, every moment was a lesson in cultural immersion.

Through their stories, I gained insights into the complexities of Georgian history and politics, deepening my understanding of the world beyond my own borders. Their perspectives challenged my assumptions and broadened my horizons in ways I never anticipated.

Thanks to this Erasmus project, I not only learned about a country I previously knew little about but also gained lifelong friends. Georgia may have been unfamiliar to me before, but now it holds a special place in my heart, thanks to the friends I made along the way.

Eco Energy 2 byl 2 měsíční projekt v Bulharsku. Spolu s 8 dalšími dobrovolníky jsme bydleli v Eco-centru v maličké vesnici Srednogorovo a pomáhali s udržováním centra i  s menšími projekty v okolních vesnicích a městech. Centrum je poměrně nopvé a má velkou zahradu, která ještě nebyla plně dokončená. Velká část aktivit tedy probíhala na zahradě, kde jsme natírali plot, likvidovali ořezané větve, vysazovali nové rostliny a starali se o ně atd. Centrum bude dále sloužit jako ubytování a hlavní prostory pro vzdělávací Erasmus+ projekty v oblasti Mládeže.
Osobně jsem si však víc osobně užila druhý typ aktivit, který se zaměřoval na rozvoj a pomoc místním komunitám. Mezi tyto aktivity patřily prezentace o ekologicky udržitelném způsobu života na školách, výpoomoc s rekonstrukcí prázdné budovy a její přeměny ve volnočasové centrum pro místní seniory, natírání plotu ve školce a aktivity s dětmi, obnova lávky ve vesnici, kde jsme žili, prezentace o našich zemích v muzeu a domově důchodců, atd,
Celý projekt pro mě byl velký zážitek, od pobytu ve vesnici o 150 obyvatelích, po prezentování v cizím jazyce s tlumočníkem. Zkusila jsem si zde spoustu věcí, které jsem nikdy nevyzkoušela a vystoupila ze své komfortní zóny, což mi přineslo větší sebevědomí a nadšení a zájem o dění v Evropě a Evropské Unii.

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