Employment Super Heroes — Portugalsko


ERASMUS+, Klíčová akce 1: výměna mládeže

Místo konání: Bragança, Portugalsko

Termín konání: 12.—21. červen 2023

Český tým: 11 účastníků + 1 group leader

Prosím důkladně si přečtete info-pack. 

Hostitelská organizace: Synergia Bragança

Report z projektu:

The project „Employment Super Heroes“ took place in Portugal and started on the 12th of June 2023. We were accommodated in the town called Bragança. Our Czech team participated in the project together with the teams from Slovakia, Italy, Bulgaria and the hosting team from Portugal.

We started getting to know each other right after the arrival. Ice breakers were planned for the next day and we made a great team together. Thanks to this fact, the cooperation was wonderful throughout the week. We had a great time and really enjoyed all the moments spent together.

The main topic of the project was youth unemployment. We discussed about the youth unemployment situation in the countries of participating teams, labour market in general, its obstacles, support programmes or competences needed in today’s world. In the remaining time we explored the city of Bragança, its different parts and its beautiful historic centre.

I really enjoyed the project and met some truly amazing people from different parts of Europe. Thank you!

Vít Sládek


I decided to go on the project to gain a lot of new knowledge, friends and experience. Everything was fulfilled from the first day, we all got to know each other very well and thanks to this we were able to continue working in the activities without any conflicts.

The workshops were great and we tried to get the most out of them. Unfortunately, sometimes the activities during the workshop were not even completed and there was no feedback from them. Otherwise, the idea of ​​the workshop was great and I really enjoyed it. The accommodation and the surroundings of the city of Braganca were amazing and really everything was very accessible. The food in the dining room could have been better and I’m a little sorry that we didn’t try more typical local food.

I am very glad for the opportunity to participate in the project, it really enriched me and fulfilled its purpose. I hope to see you soon on another project.

Lucie Kovářová

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