20th International Short Film Festival Detmold — Německo


Program, akce: Evropský sbor solidarity (ESC) — dobrovolnické týmy (60 dní)

Termíny konání: 1. červenec—31. srpen 2024

Místo konání: Detmold, Německo

Dobrovolníci: Michaela, Tereza, Omar

Prosím přečtěte si info-pack této dobrovolnické příležitosti.

Hostitelská organizace: The Kultur & Art Initiative e.V. (KAI)

Popis této ESC příležitosti:

Join Us in the Project European Solidarity Corps Volunteering Teams for the Preperation of the 20th International Short Film Festival Detmold in Germany🎬

Hledají se dobrovolníci ve věku 20-30 let, kteří splňují aspoň jedno z kritérií:

  • mluví německy
  • mají řidičák
  • mají zkušenosti s IT
  • umí dobře fotit či natáčet videa či filmy
  • jsou social media profíci
  • mají zkušenosti s fundraisingem
  • zvládají zvedat/přenášet těžké předměty

The Kultur & Art Initiative e.V. (KAI) was established in 2002 and is an intercultural and intergenerational non-profit organization composed of members from different nations, age groups with different professional backgrounds who have got professional experiences in youth, refugees, migration, non-formal education and media production for many years. It develops and implements art-based and cultural projects.

The aim of the KAI is to realize projects with people of different ethnic origins. Its concept is based on the contents of social and intercultural integration. The KAI work against passive cultural consumption by using active cultural work. This is why the KAI offer creative and project-orientated opportunities to our participants in addition to media educational workshops and international youth exchanges. In this context, the KAI organise “Erasmus+” projects and we work in the fields of youth policy and youth work development.

20th International Short Film Festival Detmold

The KAI have been organising the barrier-free International Short Film Festival Detmold (ISFF Detmold). It will take place, from 21st till 28th of August 2023. The ISFF Detmold is an annual event taking place in the beautiful town of Detmold, showcasing a variety of high-quality short films from around the globe. Every year, the Festival receive more than 3,000 short film submissions from all over the world.

The festival focuses on non-commercial short films: documentaries, animations, fiction, music videos, experimental films, etc. We especially encourage submissions on inclusivity and accessibility. The festival wants to offer cultural exchange to the benefit of those who participate in it. Art and culture mainly function as a joyful way of using our time.

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