Denmark Volunteering


Program, akce: Evropský sbor solidarity (ESC) — dlouhodobé dobrovolnictví (12 měsíců)

Termíny dobrovolnictví:
  • 6. srpen 2024 — 30. červen 2025
  • 1. září 2024 — 31. srpen 2025

Místa konání: Falster (Kulturfabrikken), Aarhus (Søholm Plejehjem), Vandel (Vandel Efterskole), Dánsko

Deadline pro přihlašování: co nejdříve

Prosím přečtěte si:

Pokud máte zájem se přihlásit, prosím pošlete vyplněnou přihlášku emailem spolu s životopisem v angličtině v jednom emailu na tyto emailové adresy: [email protected], [email protected]. Do předmětu emailu prosím uveďte „ICYE ESC + vaše jméno a příjmení“

Všechny dostupné ESC pozice najdete zde: (prosím dívejte se jen na pozice, u kterých je v zeleném obdélníku uvedeno „available“).

Pro to, abyste na tento projekt mohli jet je nutné, abyste vlastnili nejen občanský průkaz (který musíte mít ze zákona), ale také platný cestovní pas (s platností min. ještě 150 dní od datumu začátku vámi vybraného projektu).

V rámci programu Evropský sbor solidarity jsou následující finanční specifika: v rámci všech projektů ESC je kompletně (ze 100 %) zajištěno jídlo, ubytování, aktivity, povinné doplňkové pojištění u pojišťovny Henner, jazykový kurz, místní doprava, a to vše je zcela pokryto z fondů EU programu Evropský sbor solidarity a zařízeno organizátory. Účastníkům dále budou proplaceny cestovní náklady (v případě tohoto projektu) ve výši max. €275 z místa bydliště do místa konání projektu a zpět.

Účastník musí:

  • Být ve věku 18-30 let;
  • Být zaregistrovaný na portálu ESC (v případě, že máte s registrací problém, řiďte se tímto návodem)
  • Mít zájem o dobrovolnictví a tento projekt;
  • Ovládat angličtinu alespoň na úrovni B1

Hostitelská organizace: Dansk ICYE

Popis ESC příležitosti:






Solbjerg Plejehjem is a nursing home for elderly people, which is connected to Aarhus Kommune – the municipality of Aarhus. Next to the nursing home there is a community center with a health center and a café and rooms for meetings and activities for citizens from the local area.
Solbjerg is situated 15 km south of Aarhus – Denmark’s second largest city. You can take the bus to Solbjerg (from downtown Aarhus) in about 35 minutes.

The volunteers will be a part of the daily routines in the nursing home and community center. They will participate and get involved in many different tasks and activities involving senior and elderly citizens, ranging from supporting and running different activities and meetings to contributing to different initiatives targeting elderly. The activities are based on the wishes and needs of the elderly but also on the interest and abilities of the volunteer. The volunteer will also participate in many cultural events, for instance, Christmas and Easter and arrangements for their co-workers. Also the volunteer will be asked to arrange one or two cultural events related to their country and cultural and own interests. Also helping out in the kitchen is very much appreciated.

  • Highly motivated to work with elderly people
  • Highly motivated to work within the field of health and care
  • Social, outgoing, creative, empathetic
  • Willing and ready to take initiative
  • Highly motivated to learn Danish in order to be able over timer to talk to staff and residents
  • If you play an instrument or sing it is very much appreciated


    • Easy office tasks
    • Working in the café
    • Social activities, for instance, card or board games, cooking, baking, or enjoying a meal together
    • Physical activities, for instance, gardening, walking, dancing and sports/fitness (active ageing)
    • Musical activities for and with the elderly people, such as music and singing
    • Creative activities for instance knitting/embroidery, painting, drawing, and ceramics
    • Supporting or even planning and organizing different activities and projects for the elderly, e.x. “Wine Club”, “Men’s Night”, “Biking Without Age” or “Value Stock”
    • Participating in excursions with the elderly outside the nursing home/local community centre

The volunteers will either live in a shared apartment or with a host family.

You’ll find all about this opportunity here:

Søholm Plejehjem



Søholm Plejehejm is a nursing home for elderly people, which is connected to Aarhus Kommune – the municipality of Aarhus. Next to the nursing home there is a community center with a health center and a café and rooms for meetings and activities for citizens from the local area.
Søholm  is situated in Stavtrup 11 km south/west of Aarhus – Denmark’s second largest city. You can take the bus to Stavtrup (from close to your apartment ) in about 15 minutes.

The volunteers will be a part of the daily routines in the nursing home and community center. They will participate and get involved in many different tasks and activities involving senior and elderly citizens, ranging from supporting and running different activities and meetings to contributing to different initiatives targeting elderly. The activities are based on the wishes and needs of the elderly but also on the interest and abilities of the volunteer. The volunteer will also participate in many cultural events, for instance, Christmas and Easter and arrangements for their co-workers. Also the volunteer will be asked to arrange one or two cultural events related to their country and cultural and own interests. Also helping out in the kitchen is very much appreciated.


  • Highly motivated to work with elderly people
  • Highly motivated to work within the field of health and care
  • Social, outgoing, creative, empathetic
  • Willing and ready to take initiative
  • Highly motivated to learn Danish in order to be able over timer to talk to staff and residents
  • If you play an instrument or sing it is very much appreciated


    • Easy office tasks
    • Working in the café
    • Social activities, for instance, card or board games, cooking, baking, or enjoying a meal together
    • Physical activities, for instance, gardening, walking, dancing and sports/fitness (active ageing)
    • Musical activities for and with the elderly people, such as music and singing
    • Creative activities for instance knitting/embroidery, painting, drawing, and ceramics
    • Supporting or even planning and organizing different activities and projects for the elderly, e.x. “Wine Club”, “Men’s Night”, “Biking Without Age” or “Value Stock”
    • Participating in excursions with the elderly outside the nursing home/local community centre

The volunteers will either live in a shared apartment or with a host family.

You’ll find all about this opportunity here:


Vandel Efterskole

Next Volunteer Period: 6th of August 2024 to 30th of June 2025

Application Deadline: 5th August 2024

Number of volunteers: 2



Vandel Efterskole is known for its high educational standards and pedagogical practices, but also the proven ability to develop our students both socially and academically. The majority of students continue into higher education.

The foundations of the community at the school are built upon openness, friendliness, tolerance and shared responsibility. Participation in this mini-society aims to build relationships as well as further awareness and understanding of others.

Vandel puts emphasis on quality education. Everybody should be able to acquire new skills and develop academically within a challenging learning environment.



  • Over the age of 20
  • Outgoing, sociable and has a sense of humor
  • Motivation, adaptability and flexibility are key factors
  • Natural interest in working with children
  • An interest in foreign languages
  • Previous teaching experience is recommended
  • Participation in sports or coaching experience would also be beneficial
  • Danish law requires anyone working with children under the age of 16 to have a clean criminal record and have no previous convictions where children are involved


  • Volunteers will be living at the school
  • Good opportunity to participate in all of the school’s activities during the week and at weekends
  • Volunteers are expected to quickly develop a personal, yet professional relationship with the students
  • Individual timetables will offer volunteers the chance to use all of their skills, linguistically, artistically, and socially
  • The volunteer will get the opportunity to contribute as both a language assistant and as a guest teacher
  • Volunteers will be offered the same learning possibilities of any trainee teacher with regards to pedagogy and didactics
  • Volunteers will be provided with constant support and advice
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption are prohibited in the school grounds.

Interviews will take place in English in person or via Skype

You will find out more about this opportunity here:

Vedersø Efterskole – The International



The International Academy and Boarding School of Denmark is the only 100% English speaking efterskole in Denmark, where students aged 14-17 can combine the unique experience of attending a Danish efterskole/boarding school, with its proven educational and personal development qualities, with an international education. The school is a part of the self-governing institution Vedersø Idrætsefterskole (Sports College), which is one of Denmark’s leading sports and gymnastic schools.

  • Over the age of 22
  • Preferably volunteers with a good level of English and university educated
  • Motivated, adaptable and flexible
  • Previous experience working with children
  • Previous teaching experience is highly recommended
  • An interest for foreign languages
  • A passion for one of following activities: dance, media and communication, football or badminton are important, as these are core subjects at The International
  • Preferred French, Spanish or German speakers


  • Planned activities will vary depending on the participant’s individual skills, personal background and experience
  • Our range of informal and formal activities will give the volunteer the chance to use of their skills – linguistically, artistically, socially, and physically
  • Volunteers will assist in the classroom as both a guest teacher (and language assistant where relevant)
  • Volunteers will be given the opportunity to gain knowledge and insight into the teaching profession and gain experience working with young people
  • Volunteers will contribute to social activities in weekends and evenings
  • Volunteers will live at the school

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