Youth Workers Against Addictions – Turecko


Program a akce: program ERASMUS+ Mládež, Klíčová akce 1: tréninkový kurz

Místo konání: Istanbul, Turecko

Termín konání: 2.—11. červenec 2021

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Účastnící se země: Turecko, Albánie, ČR, Arménie, Gruzie, Litva, Španělsko, Srbsko, Ukrajina

Hostitelská organizace: İstanbul GSİM Bağımlılıklarla Mücadele Takımı

Český tým: Josefína Janková, Daniel Vokál, Jana Turková

Report z projektu:

Hey! Welcome to Istanbul, the city with more than 15 milion people. We were welcomed by a huge airport still full of people a few minutes before midnight. Our week full of activities, turkish adventures and noise can start!

The project started on 2nd July and before us there were ten days of work on the main topic “Youth Workers Aginst Addictions”. There were participants from nine different countries so we had many opportunities for sharing ideas and our experience. It helped us to make a review about a situation with addictions in many places in Europe. 

Most of us were teachers or workers with children and young people. So we really created nice community with similar coverage and the same interest.

The main goal of the course was preparing 20 workshops in four parts (fields): 5 workshops for using against alcohol addiction, 5 workshops for using against drug addiction, 5 workshops for using against tabacco addiction, 5 workshops for using against modern technology addiction. Many of them were created as a preventive programme intended for children at primary schools, others were for parents of addicted children for example. 

Organisers prepared for us excursion at antiaddicted centre in Istanbul. We spent half a day there, took part in a presentation and a discussion. It was really interesting!

I would like to thank to the main organisers, because they did all the best for us. They gave us a special one day only for staying at a historical part of the city. They organized a boat trip and big turkish dinner in a restaurant during the same evening, too.

Istanbul was totally new experience for me and I am so glad I could be there, met new people and got to know absolutely different culture.

                                                                                                                               Josefína Janková

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