Art Missions — Bulharsko


Program, akce: Evropský sbor solidarity (ESC) — dlouhodobé dobrovolnictví (9.5 měsíců)

Termín dobrovolnictví: 15. srpen 2024—31. květen 2025

Místo konání: Kanzalak, údolí růží, Bulharsko

Deadline pro přihlašování: co nejdříve.

Prosím přečtěte si info-pack této dobrovolnické příležitosti. Pokud máte zájem se přihlásit, prosím pošlete motivační dopis a životopis v angličtině v jednom emailu na: [email protected] a [email protected] Do předmětu emailu prosím dejte “Art Missions” a vaše jméno.

Pro to, abyste na tento projekt mohli jet je nutné, abyste vlastnili nejen občanský průkaz (který musíte mít ze zákona), ale také platný cestovní pas (s platností min. ještě 150 dní od datumu začátku vámi vybraného projektu).

V rámci programu Evropský sbor solidarity jsou následující finanční specifika: v rámci všech projektů ESC je kompletně (ze 100 %) zajištěno jídlo, ubytování, aktivity, povinné doplňkové pojištění u pojišťovny Henner, jazykový kurz, místní doprava, a to vše je zcela pokryto z fondů EU programu Evropský sbor solidarity a zařízeno organizátory. Účastníkům dále budou proplaceny cestovní náklady (v případě tohoto projektu) ve výši max. €275 z místa bydliště do místa konání projektu a zpět.

Účastník musí:

  • Být ve věku 18-30 let;
  • Být zaregistrovaný na portálu ESC (v případě, že máte s registrací problém, řiďte se tímto návodem)
  • Mít zájem o dobrovolnictví a tento projekt;
  • Ovládat angličtinu alespoň na úrovni B1

Hostitelská organizace: “United Avangard Artist“

Popis této ESC příležitosti:

Topics of the project: culture & creativity, environment, and natural protection

Hosting organization:

“United Avangard Artist“ takes part in activities and art forms regarding theater, cinema, photography and music, and also social, volunteer, ecological and community activities. The members always search for new and unusual methods. The organization has won several national awards, including one for the best youth initiative for Kazanlak and an international one from the European Commission for the best short-length movie. In the last years, United Avangard Artist is active with making cinema. The organization makes predominantly shortlength films with great social purposes and themes such as AIDS, drug abuse, ecology, human trafficking, and tolerance. The movie “Tolerance“, shows tolerance in different ways and has earned the organization international recognition from the “Fingerprints” contest made by the EU.

Project details:

The project is focused on audiovisual and visual art with social and environmental impact. The volunteers will work together on: Creating short movies. The work will include video editing and filming in cooperation with the local community.

The main activities of the volunteers will be:

  • creating short videos that reflect the present situation, eco movies shooting and filming „acting“ or being a model
  • creating art installation design and art (creating posters or acting…)
  • creating a photo album with art photos that represent topics of the project
  • take part to the „Rose festival“ 2025 if it’s possible
  • promoting European Solidarity Corps programme

Organizing events:

The volunteers will regularly work with local institutions like municipality, library, elderly house, daily care center for kids with disabilities and museums to prepare workshops, presentations and other events for the local community. Very popular events are  Language cafe or Bez Pari (without money), which provides space for the exchange of old clothes, devices, tools, and other things among people without paying for them.

The volunteers will work with professional equipment with the help of experienced mentors. We are searching for creative people with different skills and with experience, who enjoy working as a team on videos, on the website, printed materials, and marketing.

Other projects:

The volunteers will participate in projects of other organizations with similar topics and aims. It might be visiting festivals, eco villages, repairing a historical church, attending a conference, or acting in a fire theater. The activities are varied and you will have many incredible opportunities to try and experience things you wouldn’t even think of.

Traveling Bulgaria:

We encourage volunteers to travel, experience Bulgaria from its good and bad sides, and share their impressions through our website and social media. Bulgaria is a beautiful country, which doesn’t have the reputation it deserves. What is worse, neither ourselves, locals, know what a treasure we have. Foreigner’s opinion can work as a „wake up“ impulse.

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