ERASMUS+, Klíčová akce 2: kooperativní partnerství (Capacity building in the field of Youth – Western Balkans). Tréninkový kurz. Další setkání se budou konat (termíny budou oznámeny) v Bosně a Herzegovině a Černé Hoře.
Místo konání: Jerezo Mladost, Veles, Severní Makedonie
Termín konání: 1.—6. květen 2025
Český tým: 1 účastník (ve věku 18—35 let).
Před tím, než se přihlásíte na jakýkoliv náš projekt, důkladně si přečtěte všechny informace v sekci Chci vyjet na projekt a seznamte se s Pravidly účasti na zahr. projektech.
Pokud máte zájem se na tento projekt přihlásit, prosím důkladně si přečtete info-pack. Pokud máte zájem se na tento projekt přihlásit, prosím odešlete vyplněnou přihlášku co nejdříve.
Přetěte si, jak vypadala předchozí setkání tohoto dlouhodobého projektu:
- kick-off v Ljubljaně, Slovinsku v lednu 2024,
- tréninkový kurz v Pirotu, Srbsku v dubnu 2024.
Pro to, abyste se na tento projekt přihlásili je nutné, abyste vlastnili nejen občanský průkaz (který musíte mít ze zákona), ale také platný cestovní pas (s platností min. ještě 150 dní od datumu začátku vámi vybraného projektu).
V rámci programu ERASMUS+ jsou následující finanční specifika: v rámci všech projektů je kompletně (ze 100%) zajištěno jídlo, ubytování, aktivity, a to vše je zcela pokryto z fondů EU programu ERASMUS+ a zařízeno organizátory. Účastníkům dále budou proplaceny cestovní náklady (reimbursement) z místa bydliště do místa konání projektu a to max. do výše €275.
Hostitelská organizace: Institute for Applied Research for Business
Report z projektu:
We would like to welcome you to the second project training course titled “Corruption in Business”. The training course will take place in Veles, North Macedonia in the period 1st- 6th May, 2025.
The goal of this training course is to equip the youth workers coming from different countries with skills and competencies about the Rule of Law and core values of integrity, transparency and accountability, especially when it comes to tackling corruption. The training will also enable exchange of knowledge and practices on different ways of tackling corruption in the business sector in the Western Balkans (WB) and other European countries.
We believe that participation at this training course will provide youth workers and young people with the tools, knowledge and confidence to take on leadership roles in their communities and advocate for stronger anti-corruption policies and anti-corruption measures.
Regarding the participants profile at the forthcoming training course, they will mainly be youth workers from different organizations from the countries participating within this project. The working language of the training course is English.
We are looking forward to welcome you in beautiful North Macedonia.
Project summary
DigitalVScorrupt is Erasmus+ CBY (= Capacity Building in the field of Youth) in WB (Western Balkans) project with main aim to fight Corruption in the EU and WB with digital tools and empowerment of youth and people in EU and WB.
Corruption is a complex social, political and economic phenomenon that affects all countries. It undermines democratic institutions, slows economic development and contributes to governmental instability. Corruption attacks the foundation of democratic institutions by distorting electoral processes, perverting the rule of law and creating bureaucratic quagmires whose only reason for existing is the soliciting of bribes.
WB is struggling with the corruption already decades and the task of CSO’s (= Civil Society Organisations) and Youth organizations is to tackle one of the hardest enemy of nowadays society to defend EU core values as Democracy, Rule of Law, Common Values and to promote Active citizenship and to bring closer WB to EU.
Project Objectives
- To empower youth workers and othersforcountering corruption in WB and EU
- To enhance the capacities of the participating organizations in WB in terms of increasing their knowledge on the ICT (Information and communication technology) field in the sense how digital tools can discover corruption
- To implement the EU youth strategy in WB and raise awareness about the importance of the EU values, Rule of Law, Common Values in the WB
- To foster dialogue on the local, national and international level with the political decision makers about the harm that the Corruption is capable of doing regarding safety and stability of EUand WB against external forces.
Project activities
The project includes various activities like meetings, trainings, workshops, national capacity building activities, youth exchanges, conferences and campaigns.
Project results
The project is expected to produce numerous results such as 75 educated youth workers on the field of corruption, 60 participants from 14 countries active on Youth exchange, 240 participants included in national capacity building activities, over 150 participants at the final conference.
Participants: ME 2, BE 1, SI 4, IS 1, AL 2, DE 1, CZ 1, KOS 2, RS 2, PL 1, BIH 2, TR 1, ITA 1 = 21 participants