Kinesthetic Intelligence in Youth Work — Slovinsko


ERASMUS+, Klíčová akce 1: tréninkový kurz

Termín konání: 25.—31. březen 2025

Místo konání: Trbovlje, Slovinsko

Český tým: 2 účastníci (ve věku 20+ let)

Před tím, než se přihlásíte na jakýkoliv náš projekt, důkladně si přečtěte všechny informace v sekci Chci vyjet na projekt a seznamte se s Pravidly účasti na zahr. projektech.

Pokud máte zájem se na tento projekt přihlásit, prosím důkladně si přečtete info-pack. Pokud máte zájem se na tento projekt přihlásit, prosím odešlete vyplněnou přihlášku co nejdříve.

Pro to, abyste se na tento projekt přihlásili je nutné, abyste vlastnili nejen občanský průkaz (který musíte mít ze zákona), ale také platný cestovní pas (s platností min. ještě 150 dní od datumu začátku vámi vybraného projektu).

V rámci programu ERASMUS+ jsou následující finanční specifika: v rámci všech projektů je kompletně (ze 100%) zajištěno jídlo, ubytování, aktivity, a to vše je zcela pokryto z fondů EU programu ERASMUS+ a zařízeno organizátory. Účastníkům dále budou proplaceny cestovní náklady (reimbursement) z místa bydliště do místa konání projektu a zpět dle způsobu dopravy a to:

  • €211 v případě letecké dopravy
  • €285 v případě „zelené“ pozemní dopravy (= autobusy, vlaky)

Hostitelská organizace: ASPIRA

Popis projektu:

What is this training course about? 

We want you to move!

The project aims to equip youth workers with competences to promote and develop kinetic and emotional intelligence in young people. We strongly believe that non-formal learning is active learning of individuals, that creative expression leads to critical thinking and that creativity is a very powerful tool for self-awareness and the amazing tool for discovering one’s authentic self, which is very necessary for young people during adolescence.

Dance and movement provide a way of learning that develops communication skills, problem-solving techniques as well as creative and critical thinking skills as well as kinetic skills.

Our AIM is to train participating youth workers to develop, enhance and foster kinetic intelligence in themself and the young people with whom he works and thus directly build an environment that encourages the development of critical thinking.

What will you learn?

  1. Some easy to apply tools – modalities, exercises, and games from Dance Improvisation, Body-mind-spirit practice and Dance therapy that can be done by any-body and that they can use in their work
  2. Learning to improvise and express creativity
  3. Experience magical moments of complete body awareness
  4. Gaining structure with simple 8 step formula to shape, organize and lead workshops, classes, sessions…
  5. Gaining a new embodied teaching & leadership skill set with higher emotional intelligence.

Who will your trainers be:

Goran Bogdanovski, Holistic Dance Teacher, Transformational & Embodied Leadership Coach, Choreographer, Dancer… and founder of Ficho Institute.

Goran Bogdanovski has lived and breathed dance professionally since 1990, establishing himself as a multifaceted artist in the performing arts, including classical ballet, contemporary dance, and physical theatre. For over a decade, he performed with the Slovene National Ballet Company, from corps de ballet to principal roles. Simultaneously, he cultivated a rich freelance career, collaborating with numerous contemporary choreographers and theatre directors across Slovenia and Europe.

In 2000, Goran embarked on a journey of exploring Improvisation and Freedom – embodied Lifestyle. He co founded a dance company Fičo Balet, choreographed performances, and toured extensively worldwide. His dedication to the arts extended beyond the stage as he co-founded venues, academy, festivals, platforms, and networks such as Nomad Dance Academy, Kino Šiška, CoFestival, Gibanica, and the Center for Contemporary Dance Arts of Slovenia (which was shut down by the newly elected government in the name of recession before it could even begin its work), contributing significantly to the development of the dance and artistic community.

Since 2006, Goran has shared his expertise as a teacher, coach, and mentor, working with over 3,000 individuals across 23 countries. His unique methods draw from a lifetime of experience in Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Dance Improvisation, Contact Improvisation, Theatre, Meditation, Yoga, Martial Arts, Spirituality, Therapy, Personal Growth, Team Building, and Embodied Leadership.

Rada Drnovšek ( ASPIRA trainer) has over the past decade in the youth sector progressed from being a participant to a project creator and leader at the local, regional, and international levels. She is passionate about regional cooperation and development, sees the bigger picture, and places great importance on the impact of her work. Goal-oriented, she constantly seeks “win-win” solutions for all involved. She emphasizes networking and recognizes opportunities for individual and community growth everywhere.

Her degree in political science and a master’s in nonprofit management support her in developing various projects and activities at Aspira. Freedom, balancing her multiple roles, and strategic planning are especially important to her.

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