ERASMUS+, Klíčová akce 1: tréninkový kurz
Termín konání: 25. leden—1. únor 2025
Místo konání: Brežice, Slovinsko
Český tým: 3 účastníci (ve věku 18+ let).
Před tím, než se přihlásíte na jakýkoliv náš projekt, důkladně si přečtěte všechny informace v sekci Chci vyjet na projekt a seznamte se s Pravidly účasti na zahr. projektech.
Pokud máte zájem se na tento projekt přihlásit, prosím důkladně si přečtete info-pack a rozpis denních aktivit. Pokud máte zájem se na tento projekt přihlásit, prosím odešlete vyplněnou přihlášku co nejdříve, nejpozději do 10. prosince
Pro to, abyste se na tento projekt přihlásili je nutné, abyste vlastnili nejen občanský průkaz (který musíte mít ze zákona), ale také platný cestovní pas (s platností min. ještě 150 dní od datumu začátku vámi vybraného projektu).
V rámci programu ERASMUS+ jsou následující finanční specifika: v rámci všech projektů je kompletně (ze 100%) zajištěno jídlo, ubytování, aktivity, a to vše je zcela pokryto z fondů EU programu ERASMUS+ a zařízeno organizátory. Účastníkům dále budou proplaceny cestovní náklady (reimbursement) (v případě tohoto projektu) z místa bydliště do místa konání projektu a zpět do max. výše:
- €211 – v případě letecké dopravy
- €285 v případě ‚zelené‘ pozemní dopravy (autobusy, vlaky)
Hostitelská organizace: Circus La Bulle
Popis projektu:
The aim of this training course is to explore how the Clowning attitude can be used to create more inclusive youth work. Participants will get in touch with the concept of Failure and Success in relation to Mental Wellbeing, with the attitude of a Clown, connecting this point of view with youth work, facilitation and training.
This training is shaped with the non-formal education approach, with group dynamics and creative activities that promotes active participation during the training course. The process is based in experiential learning, also giving some theoretical input and space for individual/group reflection.
- Creative methodologies such as Clowning, Creative Writing, Participatory and social Theatre will be used to dig deeper in the topics of this training course;
- Creation of a Safe (enough) Space where all participants feel free to express ideas and proposal;
- The learning process is shared among individual participants, the group of participants and the trainers.
- The program is flexible and sensitive to the participant’s needs;
- ETS Competence model for youth workers to work internationally will be used as a framework to reflect on the learning journey in relation to competences.
Marco Marinelli: Hey there! I’m Marco from Italy, moved to the north from the south, but still keeping with me the warmth of the sun and freshness of the sea. I’m a circus pedagogue, youth worker, and activist, interested in social inclusion and diversity, gender equality, feminism, critical pedagogy by using creative tools and methodologies like Theatre of the Oppressed, embracing an holistic and systemic approach to youth work.
Linda Ulane: Hey! I am an educator in an NGO called „Radi Vidi Pats“ (Create the Environment Yourself). I also work as an NFE trainer for Latvian National Agency. Mostly I cover topics of support systems for youngsters and youth workers and the importance of creativity. Besides this, I also work with burnout, environmental awareness and climate action topics, because without that – what’s the point of anything else. I also am a writer and volunteer youth worker in Liepaja prison where I offer bibliotherapy workshops. Besides that, it’s pretty cool that I have a chance to be a healthcare clown in a hospital. It builds me and gives hope.
The training course will take place in Brežice, Slovenia, from 25th of January to 1st of February 2025 and it will bring together a group of 27 young people from 11 partner countries. The project is targeting youth workers, trainers, coordinators and facilitators from all fields of non-formal education who are motivated to learn new creative tool to support youngsters.
We are looking for youth workers/youth leaders who are over the age of 18 with a good level of English, who will be willing and committed to participate actively in ALL sessions (about 8 hours a day):
- All participants should speak and understand English.
- Each national team has to be gender balanced
- Participants should already be involved in youth work or be motivated to get involved with it.
- Participants should be willing to share their knowledge with their colleagues and youngsters once they return home. Each participant will be requested to lead a workshop for their local community using the methods learned during our training course.
- Participants should be interested in making follow up international projects and promote Erasmus+ program.