PearUp: Empower to Lead, Inspire and Grow — Nizozemí


ERASMUS+, Klíčová akce 1: tréninkový kurz (professional development event)

Časová osa tohoto tréninkového kurzu:

  1. Předprojektové setkání – online, na termínu se dohodnou organizátoři se všemi vybranými a potvrzenými účastníky na termínu, který bude vyhovovat všem
  2. Tréninkový kurz: 24. květen—1. červen 2025
  3. Zorganizování místních aktivit v ČR (ve své škole, kroužku, kruhu přátel, místní komunitě, volnočasovém středisku, atp. Samotnou aktivitu účastníci vytvoří na projektu. Aktivitu mohou účastníci zorganizovat jako celý český tým): v termínu od června do konce srpna

Místo konání: Ommen, Nizozemí

Český tým: 5 účastníků (ve věku 20—30 let). Věk. limit není striktní – nejdůležitější je splňovat profil účastníků

Před tím, než se přihlásíte na jakýkoliv náš projekt, důkladně si přečtěte všechny informace v sekci Chci vyjet na projekt a seznamte se s Pravidly účasti na zahr. projektech.

Pokud máte zájem se na tento projekt přihlásit, prosím důkladně si přečtete info-pack. Pokud máte zájem se na tento projekt přihlásit, prosím odešlete vyplněnou přihlášku co nejdříve

Pro to, abyste se na tento projekt přihlásili je nutné, abyste vlastnili nejen občanský průkaz (který musíte mít ze zákona), ale také platný cestovní pas (s platností min. ještě 150 dní od datumu začátku vámi vybraného projektu).

V rámci programu ERASMUS+ jsou následující finanční specifika: v rámci všech projektů je kompletně (ze 100%) zajištěno jídlo, ubytování, aktivity, a to vše je zcela pokryto z fondů EU programu ERASMUS+ a zařízeno organizátory. Účastníkům dále budou proplaceny cestovní náklady (reimbursement) z místa bydliště do místa konání projektu a zpět dle způsobu dopravy, do výše max.:

  • €309 – v případě letecké dopravy. Účastníci, kteří na projekt poletí také budou platit €75/účastník poplatek hostitelské organizaci 
  • €417 v případě ‚zelené‘ pozemní dopravy (autobusy, vlaky). Zelená doprava = min. 51% celkové cesty je absolvováno autobusy/vlaky. Účastníci cestující zeleně účastnický poplatek neplatí.

Účastníkům bude proplacen celý rozpočet na cest. náklady bez ohledu na to, na kolik účastníky jejich reálné cest. náklady vyjdou. V případě zelené dopravy účastníkovi bude vyplaceno €417 a v případě letecké dopravy €234. Na rozpočet pro zelenou dopravu máte nárok i v případě, že využijete jednoho letu (důležité je, aby 51% celkové cesty bylo vykonáno po zemi = autobusy, vlaky).

Hostitelská organizace: Stichting ImpACT

Popis projektu:

Why PearUp?

Do you work with people and want to elevate your leadership skills?
Do you believe that leadership can be shaped in many different ways?
Are you looking for a space to grow, reflect and be challenged?


If you work with people, you know how crucial effective leadership is to achieving your goals and how challenging it can be every single day. Working with people is a never-ending learning journey. Working as a Youth Worker requires incredible leadership skills and experience.

The concept of leadership is constantly changing. The world is shifting from rigid hierarchies to fluid collaboration where impactful learning experiences tend to happen more effectively through peer-to-peer education.

Leadership is no longer about standing at the front and being the first. Nowadays leaders should know how to embrace adaptability, nurture mutual growth and recognize that leadership is not a fixed position, but a dynamic dance of roles.

As leaders, we are continuously training ourselves to adapt to different contexts, teams and groups. One of the most common burning question is: how can we stimulate active participation and responsibility without giving all the answers? How can we shape a process without interfering too much? How to be the guide and not the hero? We aim to give you the space to unlock your superpower and learn how to bring people  together, create peer-to-peer learning environment and shine as a leader in different contexts.

What is PearUp?

PearUp is an immersive and experience-based training designed for YOU – eager to step up as leader in your projects or organization! You will be part of a group of Youth Workers committed to giving themselves space to explore, challenge and improve their skills. This will be an intense training with long & packed days designed to make you get out of your comfort zone and expand your perspectives!

This project is space for all your questions related to context-based leadership. Your questions might include:

What does it mean to lead with intention?
How to facilitate with purpose?
What does it mean to create spaces where others can thrive?
Why is peer-to-peer learning more impactful than standing in front?
How can I do more with less?

You have the opportunity to dive in this experience among colleagues and test all your assumptions about leadership and how it looks. Through PearUp – a hands-on, interactive learning experience – you will work in two levels:

  • PERSONAL: You will participate, practice and reflect on your own learning goals, plus you will benefit from a high quality and professional training opportunity;
  • PROFESSIONAL: You will practice and apply advanced facilitation techniques/tools/methods testing what you absorb from the experience and shape it in your own way.

We are confident that personal development goes in hand with professional development. The ultimate lasting result of this training should be reflected in your approach “to act as a leader” instead of “acting like a leader”, you will realise what it takes for you “to be” instead of for you “to do”!

You can take this as a transformational experience designed to unlock your leadership potential! We believe that great leaders create great impact – and that’s exactly what PearUp is about!

What to expect?

We are creating an intensive and immersive 7 days experience where professionals can:

  • Enhance context based facilitation – train how to guide peer-learning processes and navigate complex group dynamics, adapt to different roles according to your group process;
  • Grow personally & professionally – apply leadership principles that strengthen both your career and personal life, build confidence in communication, adaptability and emotional intelligence;
  • Create lasting impact – learn to design sustainable learning processes that empower peer-to-peer education;
  • Network & collaborate – become part of an active European network of professionals committed to innovation in peer-to-peer education;
  • Sustainable learning cycles – the project promotes continuous learning by combining theory with practical implementation, you will be able to apply, test, and refine new techniques, ensuring that your skills evolve.

This experience will bring:

  • Resilient mindset
  • Empowerment & ownership of learning
  • Building trust & guidance
  • Navigating uncertainty & adaptability
  • Setting & achieving goals
  • Empathy & emotional regulation
  • Critical reflection

We believe that learning is deeper and more lasting when it is based on experimentation and subsequent reflection. That’s why in this project we want you to experience specific methods and activities that support peer to-peer learning. You will return home capable to successfully implement peer-to-peer education strategies on your own, supporting the growth of your projects and organizations.

  • Everyone has something unique and valuable to offer. Through this experience, you can all feel responsible for your learning process while developing your skills and testing your own ideas – you should be prepared to take action and create!
  • Our method relies on outdoor education as an empowering tool when it comes to leadership, teamwork and resilience skills – you can expect some challenges along the way!
  • Another magical component of ours is the combination of an active and adventurous approach with active relaxation supported by somatic work and movement!

For whom is PearUp? (Participants‘ profile):

You will be part of an international group of 30 people from 6 different countries. Our main target group consists of youth workers and the organizations they collaborate with – project managers, coordinators, youth leaders, educators, teachers, coaches, mentors and active volunteers who are eager to take on more leadership responsibilities.

You are: 

  • Aged 20–30 and keen to develop professional abilities, foster teamwork during the project and within their target groups while collaborating with our partner organizations;
  • Eager to learn and apply advanced facilitation techniques;
  • Interested in peer-to-peer learning and personal development;
  • Committed to creating impact in their communities;
  • Able to work in English.

You will:

  • Learn more about context-based leadership;
  • Feel confident in designing and facilitating activities with educational value;
  • Be more skilled to support others in their learning process;
  • Improve your confidence as a Youth Worker (stronger adaptability, resilience, and decision-making skills);
  • Have a deeper understanding how you can stimulate peer-to-peer education;
  • Develop your own unique style of leadership.

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