Art for EU Values — Rumunsko


ERASMUS+, Klíčová akce 1: tréninkový kurz

Termín konání: 26.—31. březen 2025

Místo konání: Târgoviște, Dambovita, Rumunsko

Český tým: 3 účastníci (ve věku 20+

Před tím, než se přihlásíte na jakýkoliv náš projekt, důkladně si přečtěte všechny informace v sekci Chci vyjet na projekt a seznamte se s Pravidly účasti na zahr. projektech.

Pokud máte zájem se na tento projekt přihlásit, prosím důkladně si přečtete info-pack. Pokud máte zájem se na tento projekt přihlásit jako náhradníci, prosím odešlete vyplněnou přihlášku co nejdříve.

Pro to, abyste se na tento projekt přihlásili je nutné, abyste vlastnili nejen občanský průkaz (který musíte mít ze zákona), ale také platný cestovní pas (s platností min. ještě 150 dní od datumu začátku vámi vybraného projektu).

V rámci programu ERASMUS+ jsou následující finanční specifika: v rámci všech projektů je kompletně (ze 100%) zajištěno jídlo, ubytování, aktivity, a to vše je zcela pokryto z fondů EU programu ERASMUS+ a zařízeno organizátory. Účastníkům dále budou proplaceny cestovní náklady (reimbursement) (v případě tohoto projektu) z místa bydliště do místa konání projektu a zpět do max. výše:

  • €309 – v případě letecké dopravy
  • €411 v případě ‚zelené‘ pozemní dopravy (autobusy, vlaky)

Hostitelská organizace: Asociația Be You 

Popis projektu:

The main focus of the training course is to develop the skills of youth workers and equip them with art based methodology to implement high quality youth activities with focus on youth participation and engagement, youth inclusion, promotion of European values and tackling euroscepticism.

Project Aim: 

The aim of this training course is to empower youth workers to use art-based methods and microlearning principles to foster civic engagement, counter Euroscepticism, promote European values, and support the inclusion of disadvantaged youth through transformative and participatory activities.


  • To develop the competencies of youth workers to use art-based methods and microlearning principles in approaching EU topics.
  • To counter Euroscepticism among youth, increasing civic and democratic participation.
  • To foster inclusion of disadvantaged youth and engagement in European topics.
  • To promote European values and human rights among young people.

Participants‘ profile:

The Training Course will gather together 24 participants (maximum 3 participants per organization) from EU member states and third countries associated to the programme.

The course will primarily be aimed at participants over 20 years old (there is no upper age limit), part of an NGO, youth centers, educational institutions who are youth workers and all those who have a professional interest in the field of youth work, non-formal education, art-based methods, interested in the topic of youth engagement & inclusion.

We would especially welcome applications from:

  • those who have minimum 1 year of experience in youth work;
  • those coming from rural or remote areas;
  • those working with young people with fewer opportunities, marginalized and disadvantaged groups from socio-economical point of view.

Who is a youth worker: A youth worker is a person who helps young people with their personal, social and educational development in an informal setting using educational processes, care and leisure approaches.

Methodology and activities:

The training course invites participants to embark on an engaging and transformative journey into the world of art-based methods and non- formal education (NFE) approaches with hands-on artistic expression.

Drawing on methodologies such as painting, crafting, photography, and theatre, this course highlights the power of creativity in fostering dialogue, inclusion, and youth participation. Participants will explore innovative practices centered on European values, youth empowerment, and addressing contemporary challenges faced by young people. The methodology emphasizes collaboration and active participation, offering tools to inspire meaningful engagement and spark creative solutions.

Through immersive workshops, participants will dive deep into art-based activities from the Manual developed in „EU for YOUth” long-term project,
discovering how these methods can break down barriers, promote inclusion, and strengthen community connections. They will develop practical skills while experiencing firsthand the dynamic potential of art to convey complex messages and create shared understanding.

Join us in shaping a unique training experience that transcends traditional approaches, positioning you as a catalyst for change and creativity in your work with young people.

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