Digital Green Youth — Rumunsko


Program, akce: Evropský sbor solidarity (ESC) — dlouhodobé dobrovolnictví (šest měsíců)

Termín dobrovolnictví: 1. srpen 2024—31. leden 2025

Místo konání: Timisoara, Rumunsko

Deadline pro přihlašování: co nejdříve.

Prosím přečtěte si info-pack této dobrovolnické příležitosti. Pokud máte zájem se přihlásit, prosím pošlete motivační dopis a životopis v angličtině v jednom emailu na: [email protected] a [email protected] Do předmětu emailu prosím dejte “Digital Green Youth ESC volunteering” a vaše jméno.

Pro to, abyste na tento projekt mohli jet je nutné, abyste vlastnili nejen občanský průkaz (který musíte mít ze zákona), ale také platný cestovní pas (s platností min. ještě 150 dní od datumu začátku vámi vybraného projektu).

V rámci programu Evropský sbor solidarity jsou následující finanční specifika: v rámci všech projektů ESC je kompletně (ze 100 %) zajištěno jídlo, ubytování, aktivity, povinné doplňkové pojištění u pojišťovny Henner, jazykový kurz, místní doprava, a to vše je zcela pokryto z fondů EU programu Evropský sbor solidarity a zařízeno organizátory. Účastníkům dále budou proplaceny cestovní náklady (v případě tohoto projektu) ve výši max. €275 z místa bydliště do místa konání projektu a zpět.

Účastník musí:

  • Být ve věku 18-30 let;
  • Být zaregistrovaný na portálu ESC (v případě, že máte s registrací problém, řiďte se tímto návodem)
  • Mít zájem o dobrovolnictví a tento projekt;
  • Ovládat angličtinu alespoň na úrovni B1

Hostitelská organizace: Asociația Alternativa Eco

Popis této ESC příležitosti:

Non-formal education activities for children and youth; Educational games and activities for youth outside of traditional classroom settings.

Who are we?

The Eco Alternative Association was born at the initiative of a group of young people who realized that `the change` begins with each of us, and can only happen through practical actions and direct involvement. We are aware that environmental protection and ecology should be a major focus of interest, at a time when the planet is increasingly suffocated, and finding a strategy to protect it is mandatory. That is why we decided to lay the foundations of an association that, with small but solid steps, will awaken the spirit of initiative among the young generation and change the general mentality regarding the care for the environment.

More info:

Our Activities:

The range of our youth activities is extensive, providing the young people with opportunities to enhance their skills and acquire fresh knowledge. These include volunteering both domestically and internationally, participating in seminars, training courses, national and international campaigns, as well as engaging in youth exchanges, among other possibilities.

Volunteer’s profile:

  • Aged between 18 and 30;
  • Flexible, tolerant, team work orientated, communicative;
  • Experience as local volunteer;
  • Showing an interest in acquiring expertise in pedagogy, special education, non-formal education, and working with youth;
  • Willing to work in teams or individually with initiative and creativity;
  • Wants to help young people, especially from disadvantaged communities;
  • Ready to fight against exclusion, prejudices and stereotypes;
  • Willingness to engage in digitalization efforts to enhance youth programs and activities.
  • Possessing at least a B1 proficiency in English;

Project objectives:

  • Objective 1 focuses on empowering youth by enhancing their environmental awareness and providing practical training in green skills such as waste management and renewable energy. Through workshops and campaigns, they will develop the knowledge and skills needed to contribute to environmental protection efforts.
  • Objective 2 aims to promote social inclusion and human rights among disadvantaged youth through workshops and awareness campaigns. By learning about social justice principles and developing skills in advocacy and conflict resolution, they will be empowered to advocate for marginalized groups and foster more inclusive communities.
  • Objective 3 seeks to equip young people with digital literacy and online safety skills through workshops and seminars. By promoting equal access to digital technology and providing training in digital marketing and web design, they will be better prepared to navigate the digital world and protect themselves online.


  • Providing daily non-formal educational activities tailored to children and young individuals from nearby schools and kindergartens situated in disadvantaged areas within Timisoara and its surrounding peri-urban regions. (Mosnita Noua)
  • Organizing cultural and volunteering initiatives aimed at fostering tolerance, inclusion, voluntary engagement, and solidarity.
  • Organizing environmental campagains;
  • Equiping young people with the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute to environmental protection efforts and address the challenges posed by climate change.
  • Engaging in volunteer work at local music festivals.
  • During the summer season, volunteers will oversee and coordinate various themed summer camps for children, as well as local community activities.

The activities are crafted with the aim of increasing children’s skills, fostering their competencies and creativity, while also encouraging increased engagement, participation, as well as promoting ecological lifesyle, tolerance and acceptance.

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