Gandia Environmental Volunteering — Španělsko


Program, akce: Evropský sbor solidarity (ESC) — krátkodobé individuální dobrovolnictví (2 měsíce)

 Délka doborovolnictví: co nejdříve na délku 2 měsíců

Místo konání: Gandia, Valencie, Španělsko

Deadline pro přihlašování: co nejdříve

Prosím přečtěte si info-pack. Pokud máte zájem se přihlásit, prosím pošlete svůj životopis (v angličtině) v jednom emailu na tyto dvě emailové adresy: [email protected] [email protected]. Do předmětu emailu prosím dejte “Environmental ESC” a vše celé jméno. Dále je také nutné odeslat vyplněnou přihlášku

Pro to, abyste na tento projekt mohli jet je nutné, abyste vlastnili nejen občanský průkaz (který musíte mít ze zákona), ale také platný cestovní pas (s platností min. ještě 150 dní od datumu začátku vámi vybraného projektu).

V rámci programu Evropský sbor solidarity jsou následující finanční specifika: v rámci všech projektů ESC je kompletně (ze 100 %) zajištěno jídlo, ubytování, aktivity, komplexní zdravotní pojištění u pojišťovny Henner, jazykový kurz, místní doprava, a to vše je zcela pokryto z fondů EU programu Evropský sbor solidarity a zařízeno organizátory. Účastníkům dále budou proplaceny cestovní náklady (v případě tohoto projektu) ve výši max. €275 z místa bydliště do místa konání projektu a zpět.

Účastník musí:

  • Být ve věku 18-30 let;
  • Být zaregistrovaný na portálu ESC (v případě, že máte s registrací problém, řiďte se tímto návodem)
  • Mít zájem o dobrovolnictví a tento projekt;
  • Ovládat angličtinu alespoň na úrovni B1

Hostitelská organizace: Xeracion Valencia

Popis ESC příležitosti:

Far from improving, the environmental situation nowadays is becoming worse day by day reaching a point of “no return” that would be terrible for our Nature and Planet. We believe that our best way to try changing this is taking action and raising awareness amongst the population, especially youth who will suffer the most the consequences of our current actions.

That is the reason why this project focuses on action-awareness and environmental activism, and aims to show that the garbage we produce in our daily life can not only be reduced, but can also be reused, thus generating new economy and possible business especially for people with fewer opportunities and /or social problems. We also want to empower youth developing their ideas and transforming them into real projects.

Therefore with this project we will be combining:

  1. Environmental issues (MAIN PROJECT):
    • Precious Plastic machines which transform plastic waste into new and valuable objects.
  2. Awareness campaigns and workshops
    • Workshops for children with less opportunities and youth from the region.
    • Awareness campaigns started by volunteers about any topic that they might consider relevant in the region.
    • Erasmus+ and other European programs campaigns, info sessions and workshops.
  3. Non-formal management
    • Starting and managing a non-profit organisation.
    • Writing and delivering projects based on non-formal education.


  1. To empower youth of the region (especially with fewer opportunities) by giving them the necessary skills and knowledge to create and manage a non-profit association, including writing and coordinating projects;
  2. To boost the entrepreneurial spirit of volunteers and local youth (especially with fewer opportunities) by providing them with the tools, knowledge and skills necessary to develop their own ideas and projects;
  3. To encourage and facilitate national and international mobility of youth (through exchanges, courses, volunteering …) including European youth cooperation and European programs;
  4. To raise awareness among the youth of the region about environmental conservation, active citizenship, social inclusion, healthy habits, converting them into multiplier agents of change;
  5. To promote values of tolerance, inclusion, interculturality, solidarity and sustainability among the volunteers and the youth of the region;
  6. To support the most disadvantaged sectors of the local community (social and educational centres) through workshops, events and activities;


The project will be developed in Gandia and the region of “La Safor”, a city of a population over 80,000 people in the Mediterranean east coast of Spain between the cities of Valencia and Alicante. La Safor is an attractive region, divided between the coast and mountainous interior. The natural habitat of the high mountains of Mustalla, Safor, Agulles and Grossa is rich with vegetation, while the coastal border is made up of plains of wide groves, long beaches and also a dense urban area.

Gandia is one of the major tourist destinations in Spain. Traditionally Gandia’s tourism has a domestic base, with the majority coming from Madrid, although in recent years it has been an increasingly popular destination for international tourists, mainly French, German and British. The climate of Gandia is Mediterranean-subtropical with very mild temperatures during winters (10-20°C) and very hot summers (25-35°C).


There will be a very wide range of possible activities available for the volunteers. However, each volunteer will have to choose and be responsible for one of the 3 main topics: Environmental issues (precious plastic), Workshops for unprivileged children and awareness campaigns for youth, or Non formal projects management. They will all collaborate in the different projects, but the responsible person will be in charge of organising the work, promote it and do weekly follow up of the results/outcomes.

These are some necessary tasks but flexibility will be always present in the schedule.

Some of the projects where volunteers will get involved in Xeración València are:


PRECIOUS PLASTIC: it’s an environmental Global project aiming to make people more aware of the amount of plastic waste generated nowadays, and to show how can be shredded and transformed into new useful/common objects. Back in 2017 we started building the machines in Gandia (capital city of the region “La Safor)” and we called it “Plàstic Preciós La Safor” (in Valencian language). It took us some time but finally we managed to finish the 4 machines in April 2019 and they are perfectly working:

  • Shredder: to shred plastic waste into plastic flakes, we have now 2 of them.
  • Extrusion: to create new plastic wire and other objects. We also have 2 of them.
  • Slow moulding and injection: to produce any plastic product from a mould. We got 2 injection machines and one moulding.

Now we also have a press sheet to create plastic sheets up to 2 cm and a CNC machine to create any shape we want from those plastic sheets. We are doing workshops and exhibitions for schools and other educational centers, music and environmental festivals, private companies, events…and whoever is interested in the project.

Of course we are also creating plastic products. Volunteers could help in any of that. And there is still a lot of work to do and we need some support from very motivated people!

Some of the tasks that volunteers will be doing are:

  • Sorting and shredding plastic waste by colour and type.
  • Supporting us coming to workshops in schools and other events.
  • Designing promotional materials, posters, roll-up and others.
  • Creating audio-visual materials (photo, video, timelapses…). We would love to have different types of videos and material in order
    to promote what we do.
  • Improving our website and being our Community Manager (instagram, facebook, youtube…).
  • Producing new plastic objects with the machines.
  • Designing new products and moulds.
  • Finding ways of funding for this project and others related.
  • Finding new local and international partners for collaborations and local volunteers to collaborate.
  • Researching companies around the region who might be interested in collaborations, giving us their plastic waste or any other type of alliance.
  • Any other task relevant for the project that volunteers decide to implement.
  • Writing, managing and/or facilitating Erasmus+ projects such as Youth Exchanges related to environmental topics.
  • Creating new campaigns and projects related to environmental issues.

More info about the Global project can be found in the official website: And this 3 minutes video helps to understand the project better: This is our website: FB: IG: @plasticpreciossafor


  1. Workshops for unprivileged children (from Roma communities and migrants, mainly from Morocco) in collaboration with the social center
    “Ca Saforaui” (
  2. Awareness campaigns for youth: creating and developing activities, campaigns and events for promoting sustainability, responsible consumption, healthy life style, interculturality, tolerance, participatory democracy, social justice, cooperation and solidarity, human dignity, or any other topic that the group of volunteers consider important.


  • acquiring the knowledge and experience to be able to start and manage a non-profit organisation;
  • creating a new website and keeping it updated, as well as the Facebook page and other social networks;
  • helping with the design of logos and promotional materials for the association;
  • helping to write, organise and develop Erasmus+ activities (training courses, youth exchanges or others);
  • Promotion of Erasmus+ and other European programs to encourage Spanish youth participation.

Practical details (participants, food, accommodation…)

The accommodation will be in private rooms in a 3 bedroom shared apartment situated in Gandia and all the expenses in the house will be paid by the organisation (electricity, internet, water, gas).

Each volunteer will receive a SIM card for their telephone and a bicycle to move around locally. In addition, as Valencian Community is a highly fertile and agriculturally active region from Spain, they will have the option of getting a fertile small holding for. We will give them all the support needed to start, but they will have to compromise to take care of it.

Once a month (starting by arrival date) each volunteer will receive their pocket money and food money for a total of 300€ (150€ as pocket money and 150€ for food). They will buy their own food.

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