Allianssi Volunteering — Finsko


Program, akce: Evropský sbor solidarity (ESC) — dobrovolnické týmy

Týmy, na které se lze hlásit: 

Jakmile odešlete přihlášku, prosím pošlete nám také svůj životopis (v angličtině) na emailovou adresu: [email protected]. Do předmětu emailu prosím uveďte název ESC (Suomenlinna World Heritage nebo Recycling Art Park ESC) a vaše jméno.

Deadline přihlašování: uplynulo 5. května

Hostitelská organizace: Allianssin nuorisovaihto

V rámci programu Evropský sbor solidarity jsou následující finanční specifika: v rámci všech projektů ESC je kompletně (ze 100 %) zajištěno jídlo, ubytování, aktivity, povinné doplňkové pojištění u pojišťovny Henner, místní doprava, a to vše je zcela pokryto z fondů EU programu Evropský sbor solidarity a zařízeno organizátory. Účastníkům dále budou proplaceny cestovní náklady (v případě tohoto projektu) ve výši max. €275 z místa bydliště do místa konání projektu a zpět.

Účastník musí:

  • Být ve věku 18-30 let;
  • Být zaregistrovaný na portálu ESC (v případě, že máte s registrací problém, řiďte se tímto návodem)
  • Mít zájem o dobrovolnictví a tento projekt;
  • Ovládat angličtinu alespoň na úrovni B1

Popis dobrovolnických příležitostí:

ESC Volunteering teams 2024, summer:

To apply for Summer 2024 volunteering teams, check the descriptions of the projects on the left (on the computer) or click the link of the team you’re interested in applying to below:

What are ESC volunteering teams?

The European Solidarity Corps volunteering teams give young people a chance to taste volunteering and perform tasks that can have a real impact. If you are ready to get your hands dirty while getting to know other young Europeans,  the volunteering teams are for you! 

Who can apply?

These solidarity activities are open to all 18-30 years old European Union citizens or residents, who are motivated to do voluntary work, learn new things and share your everyday life with youth from different countries. We especially welcome young people who really need the EU financial support in order to join international volunteering. The teams are open for all young Europeans, but we encourage application from  young people who do not have much international experience or have less opportunities to get such experience due to health problems, geographical obstacles, cultural differences, social challenges or economic difficulties. 

What costs does the EU grant cover?

Participants are covered by insurance (when volunteering abroad) and their travel costs will be reimbursed (up to a maximum sum based on distance calculator) after the project, and they will get board and lodging while on the project. Participants will also receive a small allowance (5 euros per day) for their personal expenses. The teams are also open for Finnish youth and other residents of Finland to apply. 

If you have any questions please contact us by email at [email protected] and we will get back to you.

Additional information about applying

It is not necessary to mark the sending organisation details in the application form if you do not have one yet.

​Please note that you need to register in the European Youth Portal and mark your PRN (participant reference number) in your application form (or let us know it later).

Recycling art park: Alpo’s Savannah, Nummijärvi, 4.-18.8.2024

Host organization

Alpo’s Savannah is a recycling art park with over 150 animal sculptures made from recycled material.  The park was founded by DIY artist Alpo Koivumäki (1934 – 2023). He was one of the most famous DIY artists in Finland,  whose work has been shown in museums and art halls around Finland and globally. He was also chosen as the „DIY artist of the Year“ in 2023.  

Alpon savannin ystävät ry (the Friends of Alpo’s Savannah) takes care of the sculpture park while also diversifying the activities of the place. The association participates in the care, repairs and preserves the sculptures and its surroundings. 

Volunteer’s tasks

The volunteers will clean the surroundings of Alpo’s Savannah, both environment and buildings. They also have the chance to try and make art from the recycled materials found in the local environment. 

Accommodation and meals

Shared accommodation in a cottage by the small lake, Säkkijärvi. The cottage has a sauna and a good beach for swimming.

Breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner and evening snack are vegan. Volunteers  prepare their own breakfast and evening snack and participate in the preparation of other meals.

Description of the area

Alpo’s Savannah is located far from everything. The nearest town, Kauhajoki, is 30 kilometers away. There are also the nearest shops. The village where Alpo’s Savannah is located is called Nummijärvi. The nearest small shop is in Nummijärvi camping area, 10 kilometers from Alpo’s Savannah. 

The nearest cafe is in Alpo’s Savannah. You can buy coffee, ice cream and other snacks from there.

More information

Project is supported by the European Solidarity Corps and open for 18-30 year old citizens and permanent residents of EU countries and Ukraine.

Participation is free of charge, as well as board and lodging. Volunteers need to stay the full duration of the project in order to get pocket money (5 euros per day) and travel cost reimbursed (20-530 euros depending on the distance).

Volunteers will be chosen based on the application below. Fill in the form in English language.

Please note that we are selecting the participants based on their genuine motivation, and applications that use AI will be discarded. 

Application deadline is 5.5.2024.

Suomenlinna World Heritage, Helsinki, 2.-16.8.24

Host organization

The Governing Body of Suomenlinna is a government agency that restores, maintains, administers and presents The Fortress of Suomenlinna, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Governing Body of Suomenlinna is responsible for preserving the monument and associated historical and architectural values for future generations. The World Heritage Convention obliges the Finnish government to see to it that the sites remain in an optimally authentic condition. The Governing Body of Suomenlinna is the organizing party for the Suomenlinna World Heritage Volunteer (WHV) camp as a manager of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Suomenlinna. The WHV camp is the ESC Volunteer Team Project of Suomenlinna in August 2024.

Volunteer’s tasks

The main task for the volunteers will be to participate in restoration and landscaping work, under the guidance of the site management and specialists. The longest project during the team activity, taking three whole working days, will be assisting tasks in restoration of historical cannons under the supervision of a Building Restorer. There will also be shorter projects related to landscaping work, i.g. removing invasive plants. The volunteers will also have assisting and observing tasks related to sustainable tourism and a chance to get to know one local partner, Ryhmäteatteri Summer Theatre, during one afternoon of working at the Theatre. Additionally, participants will have the chance to join detailed orientation and learn about the history of Suomenlinna. They will also have several discussion sessions on World Heritage, authenticity, preservation, and values as well as social and ecological sustainability issues, including a half a day mini seminar where each volunteer presents one World Heritage Site from their own country. There will also be a Camp Day as an open invitation to engage the locals in volunteering landscape work at the site.

Accommodation and meals

 The organizer will provide the volunteers accommodation in Hostel Suomenlinna dormitories (one for women, one for men). Some meals will be provided by the organizer. Volunteers will prepare some of the meals together in teams. 

Description of the area: 

Fortress of Suomenlinna, built gradually from 1748 onwards on a group of islands, is located 15-minute ferry ride off the City of Helsinki, capital of Finland. Helsinki is a modern and cosmopolitan city and home to around 600,000 residents. Since 1973, the fortress buildings have been renovated to serve as apartments as well as workspaces, to house private and public services, and for cultural purposes. Today, Suomenlinna is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Finland and constitutes a district of Helsinki with 800 inhabitants. Fortress of Suomenlinna is one of Finland’s seven UNESCO Worlds Heritage Sites.

More information

Project is supported by the European Solidarity Corps and open for 18-30 year old citizens and permanent residents of EU countries and Ukraine.

Participation is free of charge, as well as board and lodging. Volunteers need to stay the full duration of the project in order to get pocket money (5 euros per day) and travel cost reimbursed (20-530 euros depending on the distance).

We are looking for 13 volunteers who will be chosen based on the application. Fill in the form in English language.

Please note that we are selecting the participants based on their genuine motivation, and applications that use AI will be discarded. 

The applicants need to attach to the application form one page motivation letter presenting themselves, explaining why they would like to join the project, if they have any previous experience in WHV volunteering and what could be their contribution to the project.  

Application deadline is 5.5.2024.

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